Samsung GalaxY S6 wireless charging DSC08674

Samsung takes another swing at the iPhone in latest ad [VIDEO]

It wouldn’t be like Samsung not to take potshots at Apple closely following a big new phone announcement. They already took to social media to offer “PTKD” counseling for those who were somehow traumatized by Apple’s announcements, and now they’ve made a brand new commercial targeting the bitten fruit crowd.

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This one focuses on wireless charging, with Samsung showing how you can simply drop a phone onto a charging based and get juice in no time. And, well, the iPhone can’t. If that’s enough to swing your opinion on the two phones then Samsung has done its job. Otherwise, it’s yet another harmless marketing clip that will be archived in an ever-growing catalog full of them. Check the quick spot out above, and read our Samsung Galaxy Note 5 review (Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus review incoming) to see whether the hype is more than just hype.

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