moto 360l

Moto 360L and Moto 360S pop up in new photos, flat tire and all

One day, we didn’t know a thing about Motorola’s forthcoming smartwatch, and now it seems we can’t stop the massive dam break from the company’s Chicagoan labs. More photos of the forthcoming Moto 360 2015 have leaked.

This time, we get a look at the Moto 360S and Moto 360L, which are appropriately titled for being small and large versions of the same product. This first image gives us a nice look at the Moto 360S next to the original Moto 360. You can tell it is significantly smaller, which should be a welcome sight for anyone who thought the original device looked like a giant hockey puck on their wrists.

On the other hand, the Moto 360L pictured alone in the photo below should be about the same size as the original. The physical dimensions are obviously going to vary a bit thanks to the extended lugs featured on these things, but it should be an overall more familiar fit for those who owned the previous model.

One thing the pictures do show us is a more clear shot of the flat tire. Yes, that damned thing is back. We’re still crossing our fingers that it’s a sticker cleverly placed and designed to throw us off and surprise us with a fully circular display, but that’s little more than wishful thinking.

[via Google+ 1, 2]

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