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Instagram finally lets you post full landscape and portrait photos in their original aspect ratio

It may be hot as balls in Cali, but Hell hath officially frozen over. After years of requiring users to crop their photos to a perfect 4:4 aspect ratio (also known as a square), Instagram is officially killing off that requirement. That means that both photos and videos can be uploaded in whatever aspect ratio they were originally shot in, effectively causing mass panic and hysteria for anyone who made a business off of those square cropping apps in the Google Play Store.

Great example of a beautiful landscape photo

We’ll just go ahead and say it: Instagram’s odd square crop requirement was arguably one of the biggest things wrong with a social network that was meant exclusively for showing off photos. After increasing the resolution of photos displayed both online and in their app, there’s never been a better time to be an Instagram user. Instagram 7.5 is available today on iOS and Google Play.

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