
Volkswagen announces availability of Android Auto in most 2016 models


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Volkswagen fans who are looking for a new car with Android Auto built-in will have a lot of options soon. The company has announced that most of their 2016 line of vehicles will include Android Auto.

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Even better is that those vehicles will arrive as soon as August, and you’ll be able to check the out at your local official Volkswagen showrooms by the end of this month (which is tomorrow, in case you haven’t been keeping up).

It’ll come as part of Volkswagen’s infotainment system known as MIB II. Units can have anywhere between 5-inch and 8-inch touch displays. They’ll use them to control music, place and receive phone calls, send messages and use other voice-activated actions. The vehicles feature hard connectivity options such as USB and SD slots, too, so you can charge devices, transfer files and more.

You’ll need Android 5.0 Lollipop on your phone to take advantage of Android Auto, so make sure you get updated or upgrade to a phone that has it if you’re planning on using it with one of these sets of wheels soon.

[via Volkswagen]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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