
Deal: Verizon’s 1st Gen Moto G (without LTE) is just $20 at Best Buy


best buy moto g sale

Well, you’re probably not going to find a better deal on a capable smartphone than what Best Buy has up today. They have put Verizon’s 1st Gen Moto G up for $20 without a contract, which is an absolute steal of a price when you consider it’s a very capable smartphone that once cost a tad over $100.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

There are just two downsides:

  1. It’s Verizon only
  2. There’s no 4G LTE

But even if you don’t have Verizon and even if you do need 4G LTE connectivity, why not take advantage? It’s $20, which you probably spend on half a week’s worth of lunch anyway. Use it as a development device, a dedicated MP3 player or just another phone to surround yourself with, because it’s just 20 freakin’ dollars. Best Buy has it for you right here.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. How much does VZW service cost per month off contract?

    1. $45.00 Though 1 gb 3 G …. :/ ugly

  2. might have to have this just because of the sd card

    1. No SD Card

      1. 8gb of memory upgradable to 32gb sd card slot. im not talking about the actual sd card

        1. I meant so SD card slot. The info is incorrect. I just bought the phone last month and can confirm.

          1. are you absolutely sure? Moto has it listed with an SD card slot also

  3. If I buy this can I use it as a WiFi only device or does it require some type of service or activation through VZW?

    1. You can bypass the registration and use only on wifi

      1. Thanks.

  4. I was sitting on a $15 best buy reward certificate and just redeemed it on this. Free shipping and my total after taxes was $5.50 :)

  5. Some of my kids are using a couple old Optimus T’s as micro-tablets, which they usually leave at home when not in use. They have dumbphones on the side for actual calls which go with them. This would be a much better micro-tablet. It would be nice to be able to have the option of using it as a phone some day without being stuck to VZ… but for $20, I am thinking hard. Need to check if the bootloader is unlockable though.

  6. Picked one up. Should make a good mp3 player.

  7. Doesn’t have GSM built-in like some of other phones huh.. bummer! =/

    1. Yeah, it looks like this one has only a Verizon 3G CDMA radio.

  8. Is there any way to place the Moto G on a postpaid account?

    1. You can use it on verizons

  9. How do you bypass activation on this phone from best buy, I just picked it up today. I saw a few youtube videos but there is no option to swipe the activate thing away.

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