
LG Call app lets you dial anyone straight from your LG Watch Urbane



A new app for LG’s latest smartwatch — the LG Watch Urbane — has hit Google Play. It’s LG Call, and it servers a simple function: letting you call people from your wrist. You can choose from your contacts, your most recent calls, or simply dial in a full phone number in case you don’t have the number in your contacts.

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It’s important to note that the app only seems to be compatible with the LG Watch Urbane right now. No competing smartwatches have support, and not even LG’s older watches — the LG G Watch R and the LG G Watch — will be able to use it.

We’re hoping this’ll change in the near future, but for now you’ll only be able to use it if you sprung for the company’s latest and greatest. Grab the download here if you have the appropriate hardware.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. just tried to call Dean Winchester but the call could not be connected as dialed…maybe i’ll try Junho Goh?

    1. Fudge!! You reminded me I need to catch up on my Supernatural!! FUDGE!! The Flash aired this week, too!! Ugh!!

      1. LMFAO I’m glad you caught on to that too

        1. LoL!! I have to. That’s my show right there. Why haven’t I gotten a car decal of the tattoo they have?
          *goes to*

          1. haha you amazon whore! speaking of, I need headphones, come here Amazon!

          2. FML!! I just found this 23 inch anti-possession symbol that’s going right on the side of my door. All my money!!

    2. Is that a good show or is it just a good ‘background’ show?

      1. Supernatural is bad ass. Last couple seasons have not been as amazing

        1. I’ve caught glimpses here and there. This barber shop I used to go to on base back in Norfolk had it playing each time I was there during lunchtime. The barbers loved it apparently because it was always playing. Time to fire up season one.

      2. its good….pending on what u are into i think. I do not go out of my way to watch it but watched it enough to get the names on the watch haha

        1. :)

      3. Hmm…
        Do you like:
        Sleepy Hollow?
        I believe Grimm is another show to compare…

        Season one starts off with demons and monsters. Pretty much anything in folklore comes to life in Supernatural. I love their take on it.

        1. Constantine was decent, I forgot where I stopped. I need to revisit it.

        2. Love Constantine….the movie was great and the show is really awesome too. I did not care for Grimm though for some reason =

  2. Is that something really new?

    1. I think this goes beyond using voice commands to call. You have a full dialer. Though… You could still do the same with voice commands… ._.

  3. Does the LG G Watch Urbane have a speaker on it or will we still need to use our handset’s speakers to actually hear the call?

    1. good question….

    2. +11

    3. All this app does is serve as a middle man to call the person on your phone. Which you will then have to pick up and talk into.

  4. I still don’t see the use of being able to answer my phone from my g watch…..looks like it would switch to speaker or something on the phone. Granted I was on the pot so maybe it wasn’t such a good idea.

    1. When I answer on my 360 it just goes to the regular handset speaker, I kinda wish it were on speaker to be more hands free. Either way it gives me time to grab my phone while I answer, especially if I don’t have my hands free immediately.

      1. Unfortunately the Moto360 has no internal speaker. Hoping 2nd generation one does. The LG Urbane lte is just to pricey for me and seems to be a little bit on the large size.

        1. I never said it had an internal speaker, and as far as I know no Wear device has one other than the one you mentioned.

          I don’t think it’s a necessary item, it’s annoying enough to have people talking on their speakerphone around you.

      2. I only find it useful when I am listening to music through my bluetooth headphones. Without reaching and digging for my hone, and especially if my hands are occupied I can glance at my wrist and quickly send to voicemail or answer. And if I answer from my wrist it instantly stops my music and transfers the call to my ears without much effort on my part.

        1. Ah yes, I love doing that. Gotta love BT.

  5. pointless if you still have to pull phone out of pocket to talk/listen

    1. It shows you who’s calling without having to take the phone out of your pocket and to me that’s nice because I don’t want to answer every call that comes in. I’m hoping one day the Android Wear platform will allow us to link more then one phone to it. I carry 2 phones and it would be a great thing for me.

      1. Android Wear has ALWAYS shown you who’s calling. That’s nothing exclusive to this app.

  6. I know the lg urbane LTE has speaker and microphone. It does have different hardware though and different os

  7. This article makes it seem like you can actually talk through your conversation into the watch. You can not. Which poses the question…Why would you ever want to do this?

  8. The app is rated 1.5* on Google Play largely because of the flood of complaints that it won’t work on the G Watch R.

  9. Hello everybody!

    Let me introduce my brand new app for Android Wear – Watch phone.
    This is just another dialer but with perfect design recognized by many users.
    Thread on xda-developers:

    Link on Google Play:

    Thanks for attention!

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