
Google launches an Android for Work app for Android 4.0 – 4.4 users


android for work screenshots

Google’s Android for Work initiative gives businesses a mobile platform flexible and suitable enough for the secure workplace, but those lucky enough to get in on the fun in the early days have been forced to use Android 5.0 Lollipop to take advantage. That is no longer the case.

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Google has released an Android for Work app in the Google Play Store specifically for those with phones between Android 4.0 and Android 4.4. Pre-4.0 users need not apply, though if you have a phone with legacy software you might be well overdue for an upgrade.

Android for Work isolates and encrypts your work-related data and keeps it separate from your personal stuff, giving your network administrators peace of mind whenever you need to conduct business on the go. It’s a big step for the Android platform and one that had to be made if Google wanted its usage in the business sector to grow.

Unfortunately the program is only available for select businesses who have signed up for Android for Work right now. If your company doesn’t yet know about it you should urge your IT department to contact Google and see if you can’t get setup. For those who do have it but aren’t fortunate enough to have a Lollipop device you can get your app right here.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. How well does this play with root? Not that my employer will go away from Good for Enterprise any time soon. But GfE is a tough nut to crack; I can’t upgrade the app beyond v2.7 nor my phone to Lollipop without it discovering root.

    1. Have you tried Root Cloak? Just a thought, not sure if it will work.

      1. Doesn’t work. There is an entire thread on xda about it. A dev created a special Xposed module to bypass the root checks. But now GfE checks specifically for that module and Xposed. And the module doesn’t work consistently with Xposed for Lollipop.

  2. I tried in two devices but it does nothing, my lollipop device asks for encryption so i think pre lollipop would also ask for that but they do nothing maybe encrypting them will enable it, can anyone confirm this?

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