
New survey says Samsung has more customer loyalty than Apple

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Customer loyalty is an under-appreciated statistic. The way a company treats its existing customers can make a big difference when it’s time for those customers to buy new devices. Treat them well and they will stick with you, treat them poorly and they’ll ditch you. Apple is always considered to have very high customer loyalty, but a new survey may have proved differently.

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SurveyMonkey is a company that tries to define where a brand stands with users. They conducted a survey to gauge customer loyalty from industry leaders. Samsung scored a 35 while Apple scored a 28. Both scores are well above the industry average. Microsoft scored -8 (yeesh). Customer loyalty doesn’t tell the whole story, though.

Customer service satisfaction showed different results. Apple scored 41% satisfaction whereas Samsung was just 25%. These numbers don’t look good for either company. Less than half of your customers being satisfied is not a good thing, especially when the industry benchmark is 75%. Are you satisfied by your Samsung or Apple product? Would you say you’re loyal to either brand?


[via CNET]

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