
Dallas Texans are the latest to get same-day delivery with Amazon Prime Now


amazon prime now

Amazon has announced that their same-day delivery service — Amazon Prime Now — is now available for folks in Dallas, Texas. Orders to be delivered within 2 hours are free, while those who want it within 1 hour can pay just $7.99.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

You’ll need an Amazon Prime membership (it comes with amazing benefits as is) if you want to be in on the fun, though, so make sure yours is active before giving it a go.

A select number of Dallas zip codes are in from the start, though more will be added as time goes on. To check to see if yours is on the list simply download the Prime Now app here and put your location in. If not, you can sign up to be notified of its arrival.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. This is Android news?

    1. Yes! You can order an Android phone and have it delivered to you within an hour or two.

  2. I bet Austin is the next Texas town that gets this. They usually get all the best stuff before San Antonio. :(

    1. Houston needs this as well. I feel your pain.

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