Google Keep DSC09107

Google Keep update finally adds labels, reoccurring reminders, and floating action button [DOWNLOAD]

Google Keep 3.1 is now hitting the Play Store for some folks. Arriving today in a staged rollout, the update is huge (at least for us) finally introduces a few much needed functionality to the previously bare bones note taking app.

First up is the new floating action button. It’s a small Material design tweak, and allows users to quickly add a new recording, photo, list, or just a general note with 2 taps.

Google has also added the ability to add reoccurring reminders, this way you can dismiss the notification for now, but will be reminded either daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. There’s also the custom option if you’d like to fine tune the reminder to every few days, until a date, or for a number of events. We can’t stress how insanely helpful this is.

Lastly, labels have finally made their way into Keep. It’s basically the folder system we’ve been asking since the app’s inception, with the ability to move notes into a label and organize your digital mess of a life. Set up a label for work, video games, or just whatever the heck it is you’re into (sexy Instagram ladies?). We have a feeling many of you who were holding out on Keep will return solely for this feature alone.

This is a huge update and if it hasn’t hit your device just yet, you can download and install it from us right here. Enjoy.

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