Amazon has finally started expanding their one-hour delivery service to more areas. Residents in Baltimore and Miami will now be able to order goods online and get it shipped to whichever location they’re at within the hour.
How does it work? Simple: as an Amazon Prime member, download the Amazon Prime Now app and add some goods that you can’t make it to the store for in your cart. Pay $7.99 if you want it within the hour, or give Amazon a 2-hour window if you don’t want to pay anything.
The service is open from 8am to 10pm 7 days a week, though only “select zip codes” will be able to take advantage. To check if your area is supported simply download the app and put in your zip code. If you aren’t covered then Amazon allows you to sign up and will notify you once they finally add your zip code to their service area. Keep all this in mind the next time you can’t be arsed to go to the store for a quick pickup.