Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge DSC08452

Take a look at the entire Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge user manuals ahead of launch day

We take user manuals for granted these days. Most devices come with small tutorials to show you the basics, and then leave you off to explore your new toy with glee.

But if you’re the type who likes the informative literature that’ll show you the ins and outs of your device before using it, then you’ll be happy to know that the manual accompanying some of 2015’s most anticipated phones — the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge — is already available for your viewing pleasure.

We’ve already given you an in-depth look at all the exciting new stuff the Galaxy S6 devices have to offer such as an improved fingerprint scanner, an awesome camera, and — in the case of the Edge variant — some great new display features. You’ve even already gotten a full unboxing experience. Now it’s time to get the rest and take your pre-launch hype experience full circle. has the guides — Samsung Galaxy S6 user manual is here, while the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge user manual is right hereas well as all the great discussion you can handle to get yourself prepared for the device’s launch this April.

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