HTC One M9 DSC08393

HTC One M9 and Samsung Galaxy S6 retail prices leaked in contest rules

Samsung, HTC and the carriers likely won’t be ready to announce pricing details for their latest smartphones until they’re nearly ready to be sold, but a couple of early contests have given us an idea of their suggested retail costs ahead of time.

HTC’s contest rules for the HTC One M9 reveals that the device’s estimated retail value is $599.99. This is $50 less than what Best Buy was listing the device for ahead of its official unveiling, but Best Buy has been known to mark prices up in order to promote customers to buy on-contract or financing instead.

T-Mobile’s contest rules for the Samsung Galaxy S6 reveals similar information, with Sammy’s latest handset said to cost $699.99 once it’s made available.

It’s important to remember that estimated retail values and minimum suggested retail prices are only baseline figures, and that actual price tags will most certainly vary from carrier to carrier and retailer to retailer. Still, it’s nice to get an accurate idea of how much you’ll need to save ahead of time in case you’re planning to buy one of these things at full cost. Do these prices look fair to you?

[via BGR]

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