
Verizon’s HTC One M8 starts receiving Android 5.0 Lollipop upgrade


HTC One M8 DSC06661

Verizon’s HTC One M8 has been late to the Lollipop party, but as we always say it’s better late than never. The upgrade is now rolling out to users, Verizon has announced. There isn’t much different here compared to what we’ve seen from other variants.

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HTC’s version of Lollipop implements the new notifications and recent apps multitasking as it was imagined in Android 5.0 Lollipop. They’ve also taken care to update many of their apps with Material Design and make it possible to search through settings using a built-in search box.

Beyond that, Verizon has enabled Band 4 LTE roaming, and has also made improvements to the device’s 3-way calling feature. Verizon says to keep an eye out for software version SU4A – 3.28.605.9, SU4B – 4.17.605.5. That’s a mouthful, but when you receive Android 5.0 Lollipop, you’ll know it. Be sure to hop on WiFi with a charged battery to check for it at your earliest convenience.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Better Late Than Never Seems to be Verizon’s moto.. But I don’t think that they should be able to get away with half the delays bloat and crap that they get away with. IMO if one carrier can get an update out the rest should be able to follow.

    1. You should probably direct your criticism towards AT&T, since Verizon has consistently beaten them to updates for well over a year now.

  2. and STILL NO M7! Ugh….

    1. Ohhhh….they’d prefer that us M7 users ditch the ol relic for a shiny new M9 or S6!

  3. February sony says ….february……

  4. WiFi is unnecessary for Verizon Android updates. I always receive mine through 4g and it doesn’t count against my data. Plus it us much faster over 4g.

    1. hey jacob have you already gotten the lollipop update?

      1. No I have not yet received it. Still waiting.

        1. Still waiting here too

          1. Will be pushed to customers tomorrow morning, check for OTA round 10am. Got that directly from Verizon wireless team.

        2. And still I am waiting for the update.

      2. Update has been pulled……info was false

  5. About frickin’ time. Unless we’re really waiting even longer.

  6. I’m just glad it’s finally here. I would rather get it late than to get it and have all the bugs that come with a new update. This better be worth the wait.

    1. Have you got update yet

  7. I don’t know if any of yall has got the update because I havent got it thru verizon

  8. Just received update in mid Michigan.

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