Moto 360 DSC06981

Someone got the Moto 360 (Android Wear) working with the iPhone 6 (iOS) [VIDEO]

If there’s one area Android Wear falls short, it’s the fact that Google’s wearable OS is only compatible with Android devices. While that’s still a good majority of smartphones on the market, cutting out the iPhone and iOS in general is still hurting adoption. This might be why there were 720,000 Android Wear smartwatches that shipped last year, compared to cross-platform Pebble’s 1 million (which worked across Android and iOS).

But in true Android fashion, one ambitious Android developer managed to get his Motorola Moto 360 to play nice with the iPhone 6, as shown in a quick demo video. The video doesn’t show much, but we get a quick peek at a message being received on an iPhone 6, then its notification being displayed on the Moto 360 like it would on any other compatible device. Apparently, this was done by taking advantage of Apple’s Notification Center Service APIs (the same way the Pebble works with iOS).

We’d be willing to guess that, while many of you aren’t in possession of an iPhone (#android4lyfe), you may know someone who is and has been eying an Android Wear smartwatch. We’re not sure how far along in development something like this is, or how much hacking is involved, so for now, it remains little more than a proof of concept.

[via Android Beat]

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