HTC One M7 thin case DSC01079

HTC One (M7) is getting Android 5.0.1 Lollipop tomorrow courtesy of Sprint

It’s only been a few days since HTC announced that the carrier release for Android 5.0 Lollipop had been delayed for both the HTC One M8 and original HTC One (M7). While it was easy to assume that a rollout was quite a ways off, it appears the software update is, in fact, trickling out to users.

HTC Product Manager Mo Versi announced via Twitter that, believe it or not, HTC One (M7) owners will be receiving Android 5.0.1 Lollipop as early as tomorrow, providing their home is with Sprint. Not bad, HTC… Not bad at all. As far as the One M8 and M7 on other carriers are concerned, we’re hoping this is hint of a speedy rollout across the board.

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