
AT&T pulled yesterday’s Android 4.4.4 update for the HTC One M8


HTC One M8 Google Now Launcher DSC08168

Yesterday, we told you guys about an over-the-air update rolling out to the HTC One M8 on AT&T. The update — software version 3.42.502.1 — brought the firmware up to Android 4.4.4 and included HD Voice and some battery performance improvements, but strangely left out any mention of HTC’s Eye Experience (updated camera software) that other carrier branded devices received in 4.4.4.

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Looks like update may have been posted prematurely (we have yet to hear from anyone actually downloading/applying the update), as AT&T has pulled the support page originally detailing the update. As of right now, it’s simply showing the last update to roll out back in May of last year — not the one we told you guys about yesterday. We’re not sure what’s up, but we’ve reached out to HTC for confirmation.

UPDATE: HTC has confirmed to us that the update was made in error, and is no longer live.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. This is some effing BS… they’ve went 3/4 of a whole year without giving the M8 a software update, all other carriers have been enjoying 4.4.3 months now. And not some variants even have 5.0.1… like wtf man!?!?

    1. Maybe they’re going to skip 4.4.4 altogether and be the first carrier out the gate with Lollipop?

      1. Chavez you better be right!…

      2. really bruh….. dont get my hopes up, pleeeease dont do it to me

      3. Surely this goes against their HTC Advantage program promises?

        “As part of our HTC Advantage commitment globally, we pledge to update all of our HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7) smartphones within 90 days of receiving final software from Google.”

        Not only that, but their press release when HTC Advantage was announced says “HTC not only strives to deliver faster updates, but to provide full transparency to consumers on the process and status of each device update.”

        We’ve had no statement as to why HTC and ATT have failed to deliver updates. They’ve had 4.4.4 since October-ish, and they also pulled ATT’s 4.4.3 update somewhere between August and October last year.

        http://blog.htc.com/2014/06/htc-advantage-google-io/ says they received L from Google on November 4th. 90 days after that is February 2nd. At this point I’m going to bet that they won’t get Lollipop to ATT users in the remaining 13 days.

        One of the big reasons I purchased my M8 was due to their software upgrade guarantees after previously having 5 Samsung Galaxy phones on various networks and not receiving timely updates. I still absolutely love my phone, but my trust in HTC is waning.

        1. The timing doesn’t apply to carrier branded devices. They got the Lollipop update as promised before 90 days. Lollipop is currently available on the unlocked and developer edition models.

          1. I think it does. Or it should. The HTC Advantage literature I got in the box lists the same five.. err, advantages.. as unlocked and dev, and there are no caveats or disclaimers that say the 90 day promise is excluded. Nor does “all of our HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7) smartphones” indicate only unbranded devices. It’s very disingenuous of them if that is the case.

    2. Weak AT&T, really weak. Sprint’s been on 4.4.4 for weeks.

      1. 4.4.4 since October 20th or so for Verizon and they never roll out OTA’s fast.

  2. Buuuuuull crap. Come oooooon AT&T

  3. seriously? darn you ATT

  4. Hmmmm. Makes the rooting option more appealing if you ask me. Never been a huge fan of carrier bloat anyways.

  5. I’m so sick of this $h!t! Att take forever with updates and mess with your picture mail so you can’t receive MMS if you switch to another carrier using there phone..My cousins been receive there updates on the M8 and here it is a new year & still no updates from Att. I will never buy another Att phone again.. T-Mobile here I come.

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