OnePlus One DSC06070

You can buy the OnePlus One without an invite tomorrow

New year new gear, says OnePlus. The company has announced the first opportunity to buy the OnePlus One without an invite in 2015, and it goes down tomorrow, January 20th. Like previous opportunities, this is a limited time offer that will have a short window of time — you’ll have just two hours to nag one without having to fork over an invite or wait for a pre-sale opportunity.

The two hour window will be from 7pm to 9pm Eastern, which figures to be 19:00 to 21:00 GMT for those of you in Europe. Should all go well (OnePlus had major server issues the first time they did this, but those issues have likely been addressed) you’ll have a brand new OnePlus on your doorstep. It might not be the newest phone out there, but the OnePlus One is still one of the best values in mobile right now and it wouldn’t be a bad buy for anyone in need of an upgrade.

[via OnePlus]

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