
HTC phablet rumors are back with alleged ‘HTC Hima Ace Plus’ specs: 5.5-inch QHD bezel-less display, Snap 810, and more


HTC quietly brilliant DSC07755

Rumors of a followup to the HTC’s first attempt at a high-end phablet — the HTC One Max — have been rumored for awhile now. We got our first look at a “leaked” press render of the device back in May, where, only 10 days later, we’d later learn that the phone’s development was allegedly suspended as HTC focused on their current crop of devices (like the HTC One M8).

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Now, rumors of a new HTC-made phablet is making the rounds, this time with Brazilian site 4G News claiming the exclusive on a device they’re calling the HTC Hima Ace Plus (that’s a mouth full). A rough translation of the site shows top of the line specs that include a 5.5-inch QHD display without bezels (whatever that means), 2.3GHz Snapdragon 810 processor, 3GB of RAM, 3,000mAh battery, and fingerprint scanner that works even when the device is in standby. As for camera capabilities, it’s also said to come equipped with a 4MP UltraPixel front facing camera, and 20MP rear camera — all specs that are pretty much in tune with what we’ve been hearing about the HTC Hima (only bigger).

Really, it’s tough to verify the validity of these claims, with only a single “anonymous” source cited, we’d say take this with a great big handful of salt. With just about everyone launching a phablet these days (Motorola’s Nexus 6, the newly announced Xiaomi Mi Note), we’d say this year would be the perfect time for HTC to come in hot with a premium phablet of their own. Especially if the device was already nearing completion.

If the device is real, don’t expect to see it at this year’s Mobile World Congress. Sources claim the phone wont be unveiled until sometime in August or September, lining up with HTC’s previous fall timing for the 2013 HTC One Max (and pitting it directly against the Samsung Galaxy Note 5).

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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    1. SPLATT!!!!

  1. I like HTC but its seems they are falling behind, what gives?

    1. By falling behind, do you mean in sales or at being an OEM that stands out, because they by all means stand out and is one of the best

      1. Don’t get me wrong, I have an M8 and it’s great but you’d think they would have new flagship phone by now.

        1. Well they do… That is, they are all theoretically about to drop them in Q1 so sit back and see what comes as there are rumors of a new HTC flagship phone (plain HIMA or M9) just as there are Sony (Z4) or Samsung (S6).

        2. What u mean, as long as the flagship Is announced in March it’s on time

    2. M8 was/is one of the most touted phones.

  2. I would like a Hima Ace Normal please.. hold the phablet and make it about 5″.

    1. then just get the m9

  3. Where was this when I was purchasing my Note 4 :/?

    1. Being rumored.

  4. Ooo, Q1 is shaping up to be even more interesting. Possibly 2 awesome phones from HTC, the LG G4, S6 and it’s Edge variant, Sony Z4 and who knows what else? Glad I have the patience to hold on to this Note 2 instead of immediately grabbing the Note 4 like most others.

    1. Same, glad to know there are other note 2 guys out there

  5. Hey guys Google is giving away “Gravity” for free, I just received an email. Might want to jump on that. Shout out to Google !

    1. They gave that free to me shortly after Christmas. I just randomly happened to check the movie store and saw it free that day.

    2. Just checked, not free. Share the email ?

      1. It’s free for nexus 6 owners. When the story originally broke couldn’t get it on my oneplus one. Was able to claim it day one on my nexus 6. If you have a nexus 6 go to play movies and claim the on us option.

    3. Thought for a second that you were being sarcastic and trolling. Then I remembered that there’s a movie that went by that name.

    4. That’s been an ongoing promotion for awhile.

  6. I’ll believe it when I see it. HTC’s bezels are still way too huge.

    1. Only because of Boom Sound but if they can shrink the speakers down to the size shown on the N6 or Moto G then it can be drastically reduced. If anybody can do it, its the Engineers at HTC.

      1. No Leave the speakers alone, ill deal with the bezel.

      2. Both moto g’s had kind of large-ish bezels. For the price they were alright.

  7. Id have to see it in person to decide if its better than my Nexus 6.

    1. Which would be hard pressed to go back down to 5.5″ now. I love my N6. This is truly a perfect phone for me.

      1. Same here. Came from the oneplus one to the nexus 6. After getting used to the nexus 6 the screen difference between my nexus 6 and oneplus one seems almost as stark as the size difference between my nexus 5 and oneplus one. HTC needs to take a lesson from Google’s bezels.

  8. Wow…pretty impressed that HTC answers everyone with these specs. I disliked the large bezels, battery size and lack of love to a camera….looks like they put a middle finger in my face and asked “what now?”. I cannot wait to see some reviews/hands-on when they come out! Now I’m torn on my next phone….Flex 2, this baby or Xiaomi?

  9. 5.5″ is a phablet? Maybe from HTC with the gigantic top and bottom bezels…

    1. Minimum for a “phablet” should be 5.7.

  10. Sounds interesting. 5.5” might not be too big for me, but Aug or Sept is too long to wait. Even waiting til March for the Hima is proving difficult.

    1. I hear ya, I’m on a Note 1 and I got cash in hand to buy any phone I want unlocked. I dont know if i can hold on to that cash till september but this thing sounds absolutely perfect for me.

      1. Jesus. You’ve been using that for a while. Is it even running Jelly Bean 4.1? You could be phablet hipster with that thing.

        1. Yeah 4.1.2 Thats what im saying I NEED this phone to come out ASAP. Im gonna need to start hand cranking this phone to get it going soon.

    2. Just think how big the footprint of the phone will be if they are using a 5.5″ screen along with BoomSound and the HTC Bar. This thing will be the size of a Nexus 6.

      1. That’s a good point. I was thinking about the G3 which is pretty small considering it has a 5.5” screen, but I doubt an HTC phone would be that small.

        1. The G3 is getting pretty long in the tooth. It was pretty laggy at launch. Phones tend to get slower over time too. Not a good combination.

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