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Android 5.0.2 Lollipop begins rolling out to some Moto G 2nd Gen owners

After a Motorola employee tipped us off earlier today that a wider — more bug free — Lollipop rollout would soon hit Motorola’s 2013/2014 smartphone lineup, we just received word from one reader that his Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen has just received an over-the-air update to Android 5.0.2. Previously on 5.0.1, his Moto G 2014 (US model) is now running software version 22.21.28 with Android 5.0.2.

It’s still unclear if he was simple one of the lucky few who gets to test the update before a broader rollout, or if this is Motorola opening up the floodgates for all. As for our own Moto G 2nd Gen, it’s running KitKat with the device still saying it’s “up to date” with the latest software. Waiting is the hardest part…

Thanks, Jose!

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