Is the Google Play Edition program dying? Samsung Galaxy S4 has officially exited Google Play

galaxy s4 gpe gone

It’s nothing to cry or be surprised about, but in case you haven’t noticed the Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Play Edition has officially exited the Google Play Store. Unfortunately it doesn’t appear this move was made to make room for a Google Play Edition Samsung Galaxy S5.

Its exit makes HTC One M8 the only remaining Google Play Edition smartphone on Google Play, with no signs of a cavalry coming to replenish the forces. As such, Nexus regains the total prominence it’s always enjoyed, with the only other smartphones and tablets available being the Nexus 9, Nexus 6 and the tried-and-true Nexus 5.

We’re not sure what this says about the fate of Google Play Edition. Early rumors did indicate Google was doing away with it, but not without a program called Android Silver that would look to bring the same “pure” Android devices (except carriers would be more involved with selling and distributing these devices instead of them being available only via Google Play).

Whether those plans are still in the works is something that can’t be answered today (the latest rumors say Google has done away with that, as well), but for now it looks like you’ll soon have to head to eBay, Craigslist or other third-party marketplaces for anything but the latest Nexus handsets and tablets.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

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