
Todoist adds Android Wear support in task list app’s latest update

Everyone’s favorite todo list app Todoist is getting updated with some love for Android Wear today. Everything is as you’d expect for an app with Android Wear features. You’ll get notifications about upcoming tasks on your wrist, including any updates made by collaborators, reminders to complete a task and more.

More than just notifying you, though, you can actually take action on many of your items. You can use voice to create new tasks and respond to comments from collaborators so you won’t have to reach into your pocket for your phone for those quick one-off actions you need to perform.

Alongside all that goodness, todoist made improvements to date parsing, time zone handling and other general bug fixes and performance enhancements. Needles to say this update is a must have if you rely on Todoist to help keep you on task and you also wear an Android Wear watch, so head to Google Play for your download.

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