
Google is giving away free movies, including LotR: Fellowship to US and Sherlock Holmes to UK



If you’re looking for something to watch soon then Google’s making your decision a bit easier by offering free movies. The company began offering Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring to everyone in the United States today, India, Japan and Brazil. The first movie in Tolkien’s epic adventure series kicks off a journey that follows a band of hobbits, elves, humans and dwarves as they look to save the world from the evil forces that seek to abuse a magical ring’s immense power.

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For folks in the United Kingdom, Spain Italy, you get Sherlock Holmes! This movie, based on the work of Conan Doyles, tells of one of the world’s greatest detectives. His goal? To carefully juggle his lust for a tempting woman while trying to thwart off a cult-leading baddie who somehow used dark magic to revive himself from the dead.

A few more countries are getting a smattering of other free movies to enjoy, as well. Here’s the full known list so far thanks to some sleuthing by Redditor Zatheos:

Be sure to check out the movie for your region via Google Play, and even if you don’t plan to watch them anytime soon you might as well download it before the normal price tags return. Now go pop that popcorn!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Nothing for Finland.
    Merry Christmas to you too Google…

    1. Do you really want to watch Christmas Vacation dubbed into Suomi?
      (Yes, I know almost every Finn in existence speaks perfectly passable English, but that’s just not as funny as thinking of Chevy Chase dubbed with some deep voiced Finn doing the voice-work)

      1. Finnish dubs are so bad :D

        Even “Let it Go” got dubbed:

  2. I’m in Brazil and LOTR is not available, not even to buy. It says it’s not available in brazilian portuguese

    1. And you used the link?

    2. I think it’s under a different name in Brazil.

      EDIT — search Senhor dos Anéis

  3. Grabbed LOTR, here in the USA. Always happy for free stuff:-D Thanks Google!

    1. No love for latinamerica!

      1. Unless you count Brazil.

  4. Pacific Rim for Australia? I think you should have had a choice….LOTR is great! but Pacific Rim & Sherlock Holmes would be my first two picks :)

    beggars cant be choosers tho, huh? Merry Christmas Google! :):):):):)

  5. In Canada it’s actually Gravity

    1. Gravity was some other promo, free too. I never visit Movies section, so it’s probably been there for a while.

    2. Christmas Vacation is also free in Canada

  6. Germany has Clash of the Titans:

    Would prefer LOTR though…

  7. *grubmles* No Credit card on my account means no free movie for me.

    1. Have you tried using a credit card generator, if you don’t have a true payment method? Or a visa/MC gift card?

      1. Not a big deal since I already own The movies and have them ripped to my DLNA server already

      2. Just tried the fake name generator, and Google all outright said “The card is invalid.”

  8. I checked Pacific Rim last night, it was $10 or $13 here in the US. Now it says its unavailable.

    Free is always good though! :D

  9. I wish we had Sherlock here in the U.S. I already had the extended version of LotR through Google Play. Snatched it up anyway, cuz, free.

  10. But I don’t like Lord of the Rings. I’d much prefer Sherlock Holmes

  11. God this is another reason why I love android over IOS.

  12. Christmas vacation? Pretty pathetic if you ask me. The rest got descent choices.

  13. meh, that Sherlock holmes isn’t even worth watching when it is free. See the recent sherlock series in the UK for a much more reasonable treatment.

  14. Imho Lotr is the only interesting one there. I’m french so i got Polar Express…

  15. I still say that’s what Canada deserves after hosting Randy Quaid all this time…

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