
Pushbullet’s Universal Copy & Paste now works on Mac and Linux

Back in August, the folks at Pushbullet unveiled their latest feature to blow our socks off: Universal Copy & Paste. A feature that allowed users to share the clipboard function on their PCs with their Android smartphones, it worked seamlessly and with very little setup. The problem? Universal Copy & Paste was only available via the Pushbullet Windows app, leaving Mac and Linux users out in the cold (at least for time being).

As promised, Pushbullet is back with an update to their Chrome and Firefox extensions, finally bringing universal copy/paste to Mac and Linux computers. Once enabled (in both the extension and Android app), you’ll be able to copy text from your computer and paste it on your Android device (or vice versa). It may not sound like much, but it’s yet another feather in the hat of one of the best Android apps on the market. Pushbullet is also promising iOS support in the near future so be on the lookout for that if you’re a multi-platform user.

If don’t have Pushbullet installed on your device, stop wasting time and grab it via the link below.

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