For those that already have a Nexus 6, you may have noticed the device falling short of expectations given the beastly spec sheet. It turns out there’s a good reason for that. As AnandTech points out, Google’s implementation of device encryption carries a significant performance penalty. According to them, they’re of the opinion that the warm and fuzzy feeling of your personal data being encrypted and protected from prying eyes isn’t worth the hit in disk read/write speeds that results.
You might have noticed Google makes this difficult by not allowing users to disable this encryption from within the OS. If you really want to boost your performance at the expense of device encryption, you can now do so thanks to yet another clever developer over at XDA. There’s no need to have your device rooted yet or have a custom recovery installed — you can do it all in fastboot mode (after unlocking your bootloader, of course).
In his thread, XDA recognized developer bbedward posted the necessary file to flash via fastboot, giving the following instructions:
1.) Reboot to boot loader
2.) Unlock device if not already (fastboot oem unlock) – will wipe all data
3.) I think unlocking the device will automatically run encryption jobs, so don’t boot android write your most important stuff down and then continue without backing it up.
4.) Download the boot.img noencrypt above
5.) Flash it in the bootloader (fastboot flash boot boot_noforceencrypt.img)
6.) If still encrypted, run a factory reset
7.) If it doesn’t work, you can go back into the bootloader and flash the stock image.
8.) Run CF-Auto-Root for root, if desired. Flash TWRP, do wutever you want.
9.) Updates will overwrite this and turn encryption back on, you should probably update manually (or remove the boot.img from the update) if you don’t want encryption to get turned back on (turning it back on may be a PITA in the sense that you’ll have to factory reset to get it off again)
As with any sort of fastboot and/or root tinkering, what you do is at your own risk, and I should point out that the developer who posted the solution doesn’t have a Nexus 6 of his own to actually test with. That being said, neither the developer, XDA, nor Phandroid can be held responsible for any damages to your device. You’ve been warned (and good luck!).
[via XDA]
This article was brought to you by the US Department of Justice.
Shh! We won’t get paid if you say that!
Turned encryption on for my N5 and noticed 0 performance difference…. Does the N6 have a poor hard drive io controller or something?
If the Nexus 6 had a hard drive controller that would be a hell of a feat in itself.
I suppose I used “hard drive” a little loosely! Lol. But the point stands N5 with lollipop factory image and encryption on/off made no noticeable difference. Sure maybe bench marks would be affected, but bench marks are built to push the limits of the hardware, the system and 99% of apps are not.
N5 on what SDK? From Jellybean to Lollipop it was a switch from Dalvik to ART, which could be a big factor.
I upgraded my N5 to Lollipop via an OTA sideload and enabled encryption. It was laggy / choppy and not nice to use at all. I did a complete wipe and tried again without encryption – hey presto a smooth, responsive phone. NOW, it might have been the OTA load (without wipe) that caused the problem, but I’m not going to encrypt it again just in case.
Besides I keep all my secret plans and Swiss bank accounts on my “other” phone ;-)
This isn’t going to give you any performance boost. It will make your benchmarks appear better, but that’s about it.
I may do this test myself when I get time. Are you saying you think that benchmarks “appear” better, but not actually better or am I over reading what you wrote? I could see benchmarks that are better being true for read/write but maybe the user experience it’s not that noticeable. Lollipop has a separate thread for the animation layer so it can easily use animation transitions to hide slowness of read and write, in my personal opinion.
Again, I may test this… I’m curious to know.
According to tests ran by the fine folks over at AnandTech, it actually does. But even benchmarks aside, anyone that knows anything about encryption knows that encryption slows performance, even on WiFi :)
From Anandtech ” Like I mentioned earlier, Motorola provided us with a build of Android with FDE disabled. Unfortunately, I haven’t noticed any improvements to many of the areas where there are significant frame rate issues such as Messenger and Calendar.”
Go over to xda and check out the threads on people running unencrypted, they’re not seeing any real world performance difference. So again, you might get some better bechmarks, but this article makes it seem like their nexus 6 will suddenly be blowing every other phone out of the water.
I have a Moto X 2014. I encrypted it after I got the update 2 weeks ago. It ran laggy at certain times, times that I just did not see on KitKat. So, I unencrypted and as suspected, it ran fine and did not lag anymore. I wiped and reencrypted. Lag again :(
I just don’t understand why they need to flash a file through recovery for disabling encryption, isn’t just enough to go into: settings-> security and turn it off?
I’ve missed something I guess, or maybe the nexus 6 is different from other phones and it hasn’t this option.
So your moto X has it?
On new devices, such as the Nexus 9 and 6, it can’t be turned off and is on by default. On my Moto X, I can choose, just like every other device the past 3 years. Encryption is only standard on new devices with LP.
Read/write performance should improve.
“How To Get In Your House Way Easier By Removing Your Door Locks”
Very, very few people have anything on their devices worth encrypting.
Very, very few. For those of us who don’t have anything worth a full disk encryption, this is a good idea.
So I guess you keep no personal or identifying information on your phone at all? Not signed into any accounts or anything that could possibly hurt you if your device was lost or stolen? Lucky you, but why would you think that very, very few others would?
Nothing whatsoever that is not locked behind another factor of authentication aside from my Gmail account… and oohhhh, they can read my boring emails that contain no useful information in them. Which I can fix quickly by changing my password.
I am not very different from the majority. Most people don’t even bother putting a password or PIN or anything on their devices in the first place, what good does full disk encryption do when it can be accessed with no effort anyway?
Also, that is based on selling thousands and thousands of phones for some odd years not too long back. Terrible job, I don’t recommend it.
Encryption is needed when you need to recover a phone. If you lose it, then you can lock someone out of your personal info…even if you do not have passcode.
Remember, prior to FDE, even after factory resetting your phone from afar, a thief can still go into your Android device and RECOVER your deleted files and photos.
And this is important on a consumer level device… why?
Oh, it isn’t? As evidenced by the sheer amount of people who have never asked for it and that now seek to remove the FDE?
Fancy that.
You want high level security on your device? Companies make plenty of Android devices offering that. Don’t need it? Shouldn’t be required to have it unless you want it.
That is my entire point.
But then again, aren’t Norton apps and other security apps very popular with Android folks? If security is not important to most Android folks, then why is Norton so popular?
I have no idea if they actually are, I have never seen anyone with one on their phone. Nor have I spoken with anyone who had it.
I never said security itself was unimportant. I never even said encryption was unimportant. I simply said the majority don’t care.
I am even perfectly fine with FDE… provided it has no performance impact. Which is not the case here, as Google apparently did not want to deal with Qualcomm’s drivers to do hardware level stuff.
iOS has FDE for a while now…and it is SPECTACULAR. Just saying….
Too bad iOS simply does not function in a way that I like. It puts things in weird places, I can’t make it look actually unique, the notifications suck…
I guess I can really just lay it down in one, simple way…
iOS functions the way Apple wants it to. I want my device to function the way I want it to. Android allows this, iOS does not.
Also, I don’t like Apple as a company. I have used a majority of the devices they have released since around 2001, from computers to laptops to AIO’s to mobile devices, and I don’t care for them.
But hey, you clearly like them and they work for you. Awesome, you found something that functions in a way that works for you. That does not mean it works for everyone. Just keep that in mind.
Android is becoming more and more restrictive…no longer an open garden. You are forced to use Google’s apps…and Google is forcing them down your throat…all to gather your personal info.
Apple have a few apps of their own…but at least it does not read your texts, emails, or gather info on you for 3rd party to see.
Did you read? Google rejected an app recently because that app blocked tracking and gathering of your info.
Oh yeah, Google and Android are open sourced and do no EVIL. Keep thinking that way.
In what way am I forced to use Google’s apps? I can use any number of AOSP roms without Google’s apps in them whatsoever, or things like MIUI even.
And? It is their app store, they can block whatever they want.
Of course Google “does evil” (though what you consider evil is kind of dependent on who you are). Android, however, is open source. Not all of Google’s ecosystem in Android is, which is fine, but the OS itself is.
I don’t really get why you have to put words in my mouth, though. I didn’t really say anything you said I did.
Link #1:
Read. Interesting read. Android is far from the old Android that phandroids claim to know.
Link #2:
“Google will require up to 20 of its apps preloaded going forward. Currently, the number hovers below 10. Additionally, the search giant will require the apps to be prominently displayed on a device’s homescreen.”
OUCH. And if you are not buying a Nexus, then 20 Google apps + apps from OEM + apps from carrier!!!!
I read that article back when it came out. I am aware of their stuff. Doesn’t really change much of anything, the OS itself is still open source.
As for the second link… rumors? What is that evidence of, again?
links to that article about google rejecting the app please
Anything else?
Lol malware blocking app was rejected. Nice try though. For being in bed with Apple you’re on a lot of Android articles lol
Huh? Did you even comprehend the article? That app blocks you from being tracked or fed potentially malicious ads.
Get it? With Android, you have NO PRIVACY with Google. Google tracks you even without you knowing. It tracks your surfing, texting, emailing, everything.
Geez, some of you are in denial! OPEN YOUR EYES.
I understand that you got the wool over your eyes (see what I did there?… wool… because you’re a fucking sheep.) Keep spending your money on the overpriced bullshit and make your claims that Android is for the poor. Maintaining that Apple image of your life being fabulous must be hard.
LOL…cursing now…fits the pic of an ignorant Android dumbass who buys overpriced Android crap with 25 yr old chip design. Overpriced? Nexus 6 is overpriced POS. Nexus 9 is overpriced POS. Hey all, lets buy a Nexus with lagging and stuttering…and actually slower than prior Nexus!
Yeah, encryption fail. Well, i guess that it is a blessing that Note 3 on ATT just got Kitkat 4.4.4…those folks should be very happy with Samsung slow paced updates! Lollipop will ruin them.
You seem to know a lot about the Nexus. Envious? I’ll gladly support Google and their innovations than Apple who just gets the money of you blind followers. Oh and when was the last time Apple innovated anything themselves… again I say THEMSELVES. So no buying something from another company and slapping an Apple logo and calling it theirs.
So that’s cancels out:
Retina display
Fingerprint scanner
Oh yeah, and Android and its OEMs are so innovative, right? LOL…who are you trying to fool? Yourself?
Hey all, lets put a super duper resolution screen and then match it with a processor that can’t power it! Innovation? Or stupidity?
Or lets copy others and put in a fingerprint scanner that only works with 2 hands, unlimited times, and requires extreme coordination just to get it right.
Or how about lets make a smartwatch where the pulse is read (incorrectly) only when you’re standing still with no sweat on your arms. Even better…lets make a steel watch, but with a cheap plastic back with plastic lens.
Innovation? Or just plain half-assed stupidity?
For whatever reason, Apple is doing just fine in tech world…their stocks are at all time high….
And yeah, Apple does encryption right….
Who said anything about Android. I said Google. Should read my reply again. Even though Android had a fingerprint scanner first, nfc first, full hd, heartbeat sensor implemented into the phone. Oh have you been able to get hands on with the Apple watch to know it works perfectly… wow you must be a very important guy. Or do you kiss enough Apple ass and try to belittle Android that you get a special invitation or something lol
You’re right…Google innovation for Lollipop is FDE…and boy, it is extremely innovative, no? LOL…thanks for getting OWNED so easily….
Thanks for playing….sucker!
Surely your email account is your greatest point of failure. Someone gets access to it and they can send password reset a ton all you other accounts. While the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox have 2 Factor Authentication, there are sites like eBay, PayPal, Amazon that don’t. (Also, how many of those 2 factor send the code to the stolen phone?)
I’ve had my android phone encrypted for the past couple of years and I’m happy they are making progress towards making it more mainstream.
Sure, they could… if my Gmail was the one those passwords for any meaningful sites got sent to. Which it isn’t.
I don’t mind the encryption, which I guess it kind of looks like… I mind the encryption is forced in spite of a performance decrease… and a not very small one at that.
Oh, and let me be kind of clear here, I don’t mind that the phone comes encrypted by default… a lot of people won’t notice the performance hit in the first place.
But come on, at least let those of us who don’t want it enabled turn it off normally. That is all I really want. The choice to have it or not.
Google is just an illusion of giving you choice.
That… makes no sense whatsoever.
There is no choice. Android may be everywhere in the world (due to cheap phones), but in the business world (lots of profits), Android is irrelevant, compared to iOS. To make it more appealing, FDE (full encryption) is much needed…and it MUST be permanently turned on.
Without FDE, there is no chance for it in the business world…because that is what iOS has without performance penalty.
There are mountains of choices. There are high security Android phones and regular consumer devices. At the moment, mandatory FDE is unnecessary on a consumer level phone.
Cite your sources for iOS dominating the business world. BYOD is still exceedingly common and that alone leaves Android far ahead.
As for the performance penalty… Android currently does not utilize hardware encryption, it is purely software. That will change in the not too distant future.
My Nexus 6 seems plenty perky. I’ll keep the encryption in place.
Don’t forget this tidbit:
“Unfortunately, I haven’t noticed any improvements to many of the areas where there are significant frame rate issues such as Messenger and Calendar. *****I speculated in the Nexus 6 review that the performance issues may simply be the result of insufficient GPU performance or memory bandwidth to drive the QHD display******.”
WTF?! When will Android OEMs (and Google apparently) learn?! Pure marketing has come back to bite Android in the arse…over and over again.
Add FDE to this laggy crap…and you get full Android experience…as Nexus 6 and 9 have shown in full glory! Congrats Google. Good job! NOT.
Why are you here @sswipe? Every one of your posts is an “Apple is wonderful” posts. Go hang out on the boards where you guys can circlejerk together.
Is it not true?
It’s really not.
ARSTECHNICA, Anandtech, this website, and others (even Android fan sites) disagree with you.
…framerate issues are not “lag”.
So, actually, they don’t disagree with him.
Oh yeah, framerate dropping is much better to have……..that makes me feel better now. LOL.
BTW, even on my 1+ year old iPhone 5s, i have ZERO framerate drop with most if not all iOS games…and those with HD graphics and METAL, zero frame rate drop. NONE.
I do the same on my Nexus 5, what is your point again?
Let me know when your iPhone 5s does that at QHD.
Uhhh…no, your N5 has frame rate drops….
Not that I have actually seen in person.
Which is all that matters to me.
Although let me know how your iPhone 5S does at playing a game in 1080p.
Oh wait…
@disqus_t5Z65uWFog:disqus : if you really want to compare apps against different platforms, you should really do it through an html5 webapp. Developers have different codebases for different platforms/hardware, it’s quite simple. Even on a website you’ll get some of that, but its a more level playing field.
Otherwise, just quit your whining and go trololol elsewhere
Here is 5s vs. Android flagships:
Let me know when that is an apples to apples comparison.
Device vs device. Excuses excuses excuses…that is your main argument this morning.
So a faster SoC pushing drastically more pixels that manages to keep up with an older phone pushing an, in comparison, minuscule amount of pixels is somehow a win for the older phone?
Well, by all means, then my 3 year old GTX 500 series GPU is just as good as my GTX 900 series because at a lower resolution with lower settings, the GTX 500 series does just as well as my GTX 900 series pushing exponentially more pixels at a significantly higher resolution.
Because that makes sense.
I assume that every review, unboxing, and critique that I’ve read to date was with an Nexus 6 that had the default encryption enabled? And everyone of those reviews talked about how great the performance and animations and other intensive applications performed so well?
So… I think I can perhaps dismiss this?
I was wondering the exact same thing. Kellen at Droid Life was the 1st and only person I heard talking about this, and now all of a sudden others are following, however, I’ve read and seen many reviews praising the smoothness and speed of the device.
Ars brought it up in their review last week but they didnt know it was the encryption. They thought it was write speed with the nand. Reports started surfacing it maybe the encryption. Anandtech confirmed it today with test on a Nexus 6 without encryption personally sent to them by Motorola.
Yea, I’ve since heard those things. I’m just trying to reconcile how everything else I saw raved about how snappy it is…even people here, in the real world, who own it already. I really want to hear word from Google and Motorola on this issue.
True. I have it and its damn snappy. Also the review units didnt have final retail code.
So, in your opinion, it doesn’t need to be un-encrypted?
I dont think so. Im happy with it. Someone did say it may be trouble down the line but not sure how accurate that is. Time will tell.
Those other reviews are bias. Simple as that.
Do you own it? Have you personally experienced lag? Because since I don’t own it, I can’t say who’s biased. The majority of people (reviewers and users) who did not report lag, or the handful who are reporting it now.
Maybe they were testing an iPhone and mistakenly labeled the review?
I’ve never been one to actively mess with my phones (rooting, installing custom ROMs, etc.), and I much prefer to actually have the new encryption. It was a feature that I actually was looking forward to getting. So… I’ll be running my Nexus 6 with it’s stock configuration, and hope that I don’t notice any performance issues. I imagine it has to be faster than my current phone (an HTC Droid DNA).
Said it shipped on Monday, so I’m actually hoping it shows up today. Love me a new toy.
Definitely shouldn’t be any slower since the DNA has Sense on top of Android. If it is, that is a huge problem.
You won’t be disappointed been rocking mine since Wednesday , Love it But Dammmmm is this phone big , and I’m coming from a note 3….lol
Or those were bias.
Thanks for taking away our choice Google.
I’d do it to mine
I enabled encryption on my Nexus 5 running Lollipop and it was horrible – laggy and stuttering all over the place. If you need to encrypt your device storage, move to iOS. Personally, I’ll just store my sensitive info in my KeePass file.
Turn off encryption you guys say? Google can’t do that…why? Google wants this feature permanent to advertised to the business world that it can trust Android. iOS has been dominating business world due to its security and privacy features. Leaving encryption as optional is a big shot in the foot for Android and its ambition to become a business tool.
This is what happens when Google designs only the software…and lets someone else design the phone…and lets yet another design the processor.
iOS vertical integration all of a sudden makes damn good sense….
Cite your sources for the “dominating business world” claim. Android having 85% of the mobile marketshare worldwide leaves little room for “dominating” in any particular segment.
85% because it appeals to the poor bc it is on every cheap phone.
85% because it has phones for every kind of person.
As for that study, it seems to just be for the US… which is hardly indicative of “dominating the business world”.
How about the many, many other countries out there?
Seriously?! Ok…yeah, Android is dominating the business world….LOL
Talk about denial!
Here is the official story:
I see no evidence that suggests the situation in the US (which always favors the US company…. even if they don’t actually make the devices in the US) is identical throughout the world. Do you have anything to support that claim?
There is no denial, there is skepticism. I see evidence that iOS is popular in business in the US. I see nothing for worldwide. Does the rest of the world not matter or something? I mean, population-wise we are are pretty small.
That official story just strengthens what I said.. it is only talking about the US. Which is clearly not really a significant amount of marketshare, since with 69% of activations being iOS in the US Android still manages to hold onto the 85% marketshare worldwide.
Yeah ok…keeping thinking that…whatever helps you sleep at night.
Remember, Android appeals to the poor…lots of poor folks out there and around the world.
Since you are incapable of proving your claim on a worldwide scale, I must reject it as an accurate claim. Sorry, that is how it works.
Android appeals to people in all financial brackets… from rich to poor. Which is why it is popular, because it has devices for literally anyone. It is the same reason Windows is so popular… there are computers for every kind of person.
I am not seeing how you aren’t getting this.
Yeah, ok…keep thinking that way. If Android is so profitable, then why is Samsung trying to run far far away from it? Samsung being by far the #1 OEM for Android devices….
I am not seeing how you aren’t getting this.
Maybe you need to open your eyes?
Still waiting for your sources for that.
Uhhh…read up on SAmsung court docs….seriously?
Not my claim, you need to provide the links to the documents.
So, documents from 3 years ago that said they at one point in time looked into replacing Android, and have done nothing like it since, is evidence that Samsung is getting rid of Android?
Alright dude.
Samsung is trying its hardest for Tizen…just haven’t been successful…but they are STILL trying to get Tizen. Still even till this day.
Having another OS they control in their bag of tricks is hardly evidence they want to replace Android, you know.
Anyway dude, I got things to do and no more time to spare chatting with you.
Have a good one, I am out.
You too. Have a good day.
Anything else? Why do you think Apple makes so much money despite such a low “marketshare”?
Why do you think Samsung is trying to ditch Android for their own OS (Tizen)?
Marketshare is one thing…but when most of it is from the poor population…great for Google because it gathers info from those folks for advertisement purposes, but bad for Android OEMs because those people don’t buy much else besides the phone. All revenues post-sale go to Google. And even then Google Play revenues are only a fraction of iOS iTunes.
Who did IBM partner up with for business solutions software? Why? IBM is all about Linux…why jump ship and partner with iOS?
Why do you think FDE is so important to Google? Why do you think Google force Samsung to give up Knox?
Why do I think Apple makes so much money despite low marketshare? Their pricing. If I remember right, Apple offers discounts rarely… to anyone.
I see no indication of Samsung trying to “ditch Android” rather than just Samsung offering another option to garner even more sales.
Some of the OEM’s make a pretty fair amount of money from their mobile sales, so that marketshare does count for quite a bit. Even if you make less per phone, if you sell many times more phones than the competition… you still make a lot of money.
As for the Google Play revenues vs iTunes/AppStore…
You are aware that Play Store revenue has reduced the lead the AppStore had in revenue by half, right? In the last year alone. Not even counting ad revenue. The time is coming when Play Store revenue will surpass AppStore revenue.
I expect money changing hands influenced the partnership with Apple. Like it always does.
I expect the FDE is important to Google because encryption is becoming more important. I have no issue with FDE, like you seem to think, I just think it should be optional… until hardware support is fully functional. Once hardware support is fully functional so that the performance change is unnoticeable… I am all for FDE.
I just don’t want it when it has a very clear and significant impact on R/W performance on a device that is used so often.
So, despite the lack of marketshare, Apple is able to sell a ton of iPhones while not discounting them. That is great! Great for resale value too! It means something, doesn’t it? It means that iPhones are sold to people with money…and those people are the important ones for businesses.
Think about that one before responding…why do you think Apple Pay is so important? Why do you think certain retailers are turning down CurrentC for Apple Pay? Because Apple Pay customers are the ones with money.
You need to read up on Samsung and Tizen. Samsung in COURT STATEMENTS (during lawsuit with Apple) clearly wanted to ditch Android since 2012. I did not make it up.
Except for Samsung, no one else makes any decent profits. Samsung profits dropping like a rock too…as it is being squeezed at the bottom by the Chinese OEMs. No one comes close to Apple sales.
Remember, NO ONE OEM from Android comes close to Apple sales.
Think another way…why do you think iOS has all the cool games and apps? Why do you think DEVELOPERS always favor iOS?
Of course, with METAL, iOS gaming is far ahead of Android…way ahead in graphics and gameplay.
Money changing hands? Dude…stop with your childish logic. IBM goes where the future of enterprising is at. Again, why do you think Google is pushing FDE so much for???
Think dude…think.
“So, despite the lack of marketshare, Apple is able to sell a ton of iPhones while not discounting them. That is great! Great for resale value too! It means something, doesn’t it? It means that iPhones are sold to people with money…and those people are the important ones for businesses.”
If you say so.
“Think about that one before responding…why do you think Apple Pay is so important? Why do you think certain retailers are turning down CurrentC for Apple Pay? Because Apple Pay customers are the ones with money.”
You mean the same retailers that also work with Google Wallet?
“Think about that one before responding…why do you think Apple Pay is so important? Why do you think certain retailers are turning down CurrentC for Apple Pay? Because Apple Pay customers are the ones with money.”
Cite your sources, then.
“Except for Samsung, no one else makes any decent profits. Samsung profits dropping like a rock too…as it is being squeezed at the bottom by the Chinese OEMs. No one comes close to Apple sales.
Remember, NO ONE OEM from Android comes close to Apple sales.”
Samsung sells more devices than Apple. By far. Apple just makes more money.
“Think another way…why do you think iOS has all the cool games and apps? Why do you think DEVELOPERS always favor iOS?”
Android has just as many, if not more, “cool games and apps.” Though that is subjective and will differ depending on who you ask. As for developers “always” favoring iOS… simply false. Some developers do, but that is clearly beginning to change.
“‘Of course, with METAL, iOS gaming is far ahead of Android…way ahead in graphics and gameplay.”
You mean the low level API that allows features that Android devices supporting OpenGL 3.0 have already had? You mean the “way ahead in graphics and gameplay” that is beaten by the nVidia Shield tablet? Yeah man, definitely ahead there…
“Money changing hands? Dude…stop with your childish logic. IBM goes where the future of enterprising is at. Again, why do you think Google is pushing FDE so much for???”
Why yes, I would expect money changes hands. That is how businesses work.
I already gave you my answer for why I expect Google turned on FDE as mandatory in Lollipop devices, do I have to repeat myself?
End of discussion. LOL
Yes, GOOGLE Wallet…it has been sooo successful, right? since 2012? Yet, what happened recently? Google Wallet turned off one of its features. Why? Hint: Google is likely abandoning it in the near future. Despite GW presence, Apple Pay is dominating the contactless market.
Samsung sells more because they sell to the low-end market. Among the high-end flagships, Apple is pure dominant.
Name me ONE high end game on Android that is not on iOS. Just ONE. I can name many on iOS that is not on Android.
Yeah, you need to read up on METAL. Hint: Asphalt 8, Modern Combat 5, and Plants vs. Zombies (just to name a few) on iOS have graphics enhancements that you guys can only dream about! Actually, almost all high end games on iOS that are recently updated are now METAL enhanced.
End of discussion. LOL”
Funny how it gives percentages and not numbers… because that 20% of Android users on high end devices is probably more than iOS. Might want to take that into account.
End of story. LOL. (How stupid does this look?)
“Yes, GOOGLE Wallet…it has been sooo successful, right? since 2012? Yet, what happened recently? Google Wallet turned off one of its features. Why? Hint: Google is likely abandoning it in the near future. Despite GW presence, Apple Pay is dominating the contactless market.”
You… realize that feature got turned off because it was replaced, right? And that it was only for digital items and nothing else?
The fact of the matter is that Google Wallet functions almost identically to Apple Pay.. and even uses the same POS pads. So the popularity of one is to the benefit of both, you know.
As for dominating the market, cite your sources again.
“Samsung sells more because they sell to the low-end market. Among the high-end flagships, Apple is pure dominant.”
Samsung sells more because they sell to every market. Apple sells more high end models in the US… not worldwide.
“Name me ONE high end game on Android that is not on iOS. Just ONE. I can name many on iOS that is not on Android.”
Because “high end” is an objective measure now? Because “high end” are the only fun games?
“Yeah, you need to read up on METAL”
I did. It does nothing special.
“Hint: Asphalt 8, Modern Combat 5, and Plants vs. Zombies (just to name a few) on iOS have graphics enhancements that you guys can only dream about!”
Well, by all means, show me comparison shots on equivalent devices. Running up to date versions of the games and the OS for both.
“Actually, almost all high end games on iOS that are recently updated are now METAL enhanced.”
Welcome to the 21st century, then? Again, it offers nothing that OpenGL 3.0 didn’t already offer on Android…
This seems like advice you should be taking for yourself.
Ok…METAL is just OpenGL 3.0, you say? LOL.
Please, i beg you to open your eyes…stop being so damn bias.
Riiight, because a DirectX developer (which have never had good things to say about OpenGL) says something, it is true now?
Funny how he compares it to DirectX, which so many people these days want to move away from…
Also, I am definitely not the biased one here.
LOL…ok dude. Good one.
The dude made something 20 years ago. Cool, I guess?
Why should his opinion matter, again?
I am sure that you can find a friend with iPhone 5s and above…download Asphalt 8 and compare yourself with your own eyes.
Again, not my claim to prove. You made the claim, you prove it.
The reason that Apple is able to sell handsets for bloated prices is because here in America, the average consumer knows crap about electronics and has lots of cash, which is also why developers target iOS.
Do YOU know tech? I bet that you don’t.
I know that I do, but before I judge YOU, Windows, OS X, Linux , or Unix?
As i have to routinely remind people, Samsung is NOT the owner of Tizen. And they’re not trying to ditch Android for anything. Tizen has been around for at least 3 years now, and not so much as one product has come to market yet.
That 85% figure is misleading and includes endless legions of trash “smartphones” that are barely worthy of being called such, especially in the developing world. The high end phones like HTC Ones, Samsung Galaxies and such are actually a small part of that.
I doubt as many as you think. I don’t believe anything but phones that actually use Google’s services are counted towards that. If that is correct, then even other devices running things like MIUI don’t count, which would severely limit the number of “trash phones.”
And either way, it is not misleading. It is the number of users of the OS, the type of phone is hardly relevant.
My nexus 6 is blazing fast. I really don’t understand why many people are having problems with theirs. I’d even say it runs faster than my older phone, the HTC One M8.
troll much tiger….
Tiger who?
Im so tired of waiting for this phone i almost bought a new Moto X, lack of 64gb and 801 processor instead of 805 is really the only thing holding me back. I just want to put my order in already!
The next article by this author is “How to make your prison sentence go way faster by walking around with no pants on and a bullseye tattoo on your butt”.