
SUPER is a fun new app from the guy who helped create Twitter


SUPER app android ios

Another day, another social networking app crawls out from the woodwork. The brainchild of Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, SUPER is a social networking app that oozes style. Bright colors and ALL CAPS typography can be found littered throughout the app, something that’s sure to catch on with the kiddies once they take hold.

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And why wouldn’t they? SUPER isn’t too much unlike Twitter, where users broadcast their opinions or general thoughts about life, love or anything in between to a list of eager followers. When you’re ready to start sharing, you’ll pick from the app’s available captions to give users a feel for what your post will be about, then write out your text and sign the by-line with whatever you like (or remain (anonymish”).

SUPER by Jelly Industries

It’s always been difficult to predict what kids these days will latch onto. In an era of Snapchats and Flappy Birds, everyone is looking to create that random social app that catches fire. There’s no denying SUPER looks inviting (or headache inducing depending on your style) and with elements of Twitter, Whisper, YO, and Snapchat sprinkled in their mix, we suppose it stands as good a chance as any.

[Biz Stone]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Installing right now, let’s see if its worthy to share on my top 10 Apps of The Weeks….

  2. I hardly think that only “kids” will necessary like this app. Also, I love the fact that anyone under the age of 30 is now a kid. Real nice ageism right there.

    1. Delete yourself.

      1. Since you’re taking up that attitude for no good reason:


    Yes. You can. And this is one too many. Hideous design, hard to read, no useful purpose, really. Except, I guess, for people who can’t even manage to compose their own thoughts on Twitter. Now you can let an app help you decide what you want to say. The dumbing down of the world continues.

  4. I dont even see this app in the Play Store anymore.. anyone else?

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