
Between 3-4PM PT, you’ll have another chance at snagging an Inbox by Gmail invite


Inbox invite email

If you’ve been dying for a Inbox by Gmail invite, starting at 3PM PT today, you’ll have another chance at getting one. Google is calling it their invite “Inbox Happy Hour” and you’ll only have 1 hour to drop them an email at [email protected] for a chance to get into the cool club.

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After that, Google says they’ll be sending out invites at 5PM PT so be on the look out. Just to make sure you have everything ready to go, you can give Inbox by Gmail a download ahead of time by visiting the link below. Cheers.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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    I have at least one invite I can send out. Just post and email and I’ll give you one (First come first serve. **Will update when gone**)


    1. [email protected] if I didn’t miss it

        1. Got it! Thank you!

        2. How do you send invites? I have inbox but I’m not sure how to send an invite

    2. [email protected] Would appreciate the invite. Thanks!

        1. Thank you. I am grateful for your generosity.

  2. Am I the only one that does not particularly care about this InBox app?

    1. Probably not, but I do think it’s pretty handy. I never used the Labels too much before, so if you did it might not be much of a difference. For me, it’s working out pretty well.

      1. I have always used labels and folders. Not sure what Inbox can do with them that gMail does not already do.

    2. Nope. You’re not alone in that boat. While, there are some UI things I think are nice, I’m still not sure what the overall benefit is. I’d need to watch a thorough video, to truly understand what the benefit would be. I had it on my phone for a week and uninstalled because it didn’t really serve any additional value to me, that the dedicated app didn’t already do. Anybody else know what the benefit of Inbox is supposed to be, beyond that intro video that Google put together?

      1. Honestly, I am not so sure of the point. The Gmail app is awesome to me and I don’t want to convolute it or add anymore nonsense and steps to email checking, so I just don’t understand the hype. And normally, I am all over whatever Google puts out: Gmail, Voice, Chat, Hangouts, Adsense, Calendar, Maps, Drive, blah blah but on this one I am like… what’s the point?

    3. I couldn’t care less about it either tbh. I installed a week or so ago, played about with it for a bit and haven’t gone back to it since.

      The web interface is slightly better, but I still prefer regular old gmail.

      1. Thanks for properly stating, “I couldn’t care less” versus “I could care less”, it’s one of my pet peeves and you nailed it proper.

        1. Does “couldn’t care more” bother you? ;p

        2. “it’s one of my pet peeves and you nailed it proper.”

          I think you mean “properly”

    4. I may be able to explain… though I don’t blame you for not caring :).

      Part of Inbox integrates the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology to help keep you productive and control the noise in your current email — through task-oriented design and ease for setting reminders. It’s wonderful for busy people like myself who need frequently communicate through email and focuses on checking items off and setting reminders on emails to revisit.

      Not only does it helps clear my inbox (phew) but provides me the keywords focusing on how I can be essential in my work when new mail arrives (deal with it now, or deal with it later by setting a reminder and watching it go away).

      The additional perks is efficiency. I booked a travel and hotel recently, and all my relevant emails fall in one stack so I don’t have to search for them. I can pull up my itinerary and see flight information w/o opening email, and pull up my ticket before boarding w/o searching. That’s just one case out of many that it satisfies.

      And for your convenience (from a google search):
      Getting Things Done (GTD) is a method for organizing tasks so that you can focus your entire energy and creativity on completing those tasks in a stress free manner. This method was developed by David Allen in his book, Getting Things Done.

      You may also want to check out other services like FollowUpThen and and compare it with Inbox to fully understand a big objective Google is seemingly addressing here.

  3. Not sure if this applies to anyone else but in the last round I signed up I never got an invitation outside of the “We’ll get back to you”. Yesterday I opened it up for giggles and it allowed me to log in and I haven’t received any official welcome invitation.

  4. I think I have three invites to send out. First round I had three, so I assume second round there are three more. First come first serve.

    update #1: 1 invite sent, I have more (2 more?)
    update #2: 2 invites sent, I have more…
    update #3: 3 invites sent… That’s it! No more left.

    1. would love an invite! Thanks so much: [email protected]

      1. invite sent.

        1. Got it…Thanks so much!!!

        2. Can someone please send me an invite? [email protected]

          1. invite sent… that was the last one

    2. Would appreciate one (bdclary)… Thanks!

      1. invite sent

        1. Got it, thanks!

  5. So I requested an invite late week. Will I have to request another one to try to get one this time around, or am I still in from my first request

    1. Post Email and I will give you my last one right now. (ITS GONE NOW…)

      1. Probs don’t post your e-mail, bud.

        1. Either way, I have at least one more invite. Take it or leave it. I’m not worried either way, man. You get my email when I send the invite anyway…

          (IT’S GONE…)

      2. [email protected] thanks man

        1. Sent. Last one…

          1. Now that you sent me you invite do I get three to send to people? And do I just forward this email to them?

          2. I dont know if you can immediately. When you open INBOX there will be a red “+” click on that and it will pull up a list of items. If you see a golden ticket, you have invites, If you do not, you dont have them yet.

  6. i have it and don’t really use it.. and i use email alot.

    1. Do you have an invite to give? Please send me one [email protected]

  7. Ive opened it a few times to see if I can get used to it. Just dont see how its necessary right now. I even went to see if the update did anything that would sway my opinion, it didnt.

    Back to good ol GMail app.

    1. Until Google kills Gmail for all of us. It’s their SOP lately. Kill a great app everyone loves and replace it with some mediocre newly envisioned version that requires you and everyone you communicate with to use Google+.

      If they do as I predict, I’ll uninstall and use a competing app even if it’s a step back.

  8. I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks and it’s completely replaced the native Gmail app for me. It’s awesome!

  9. I have three invites. First three to email me will get one (email with your gmail). If you can’t figure out my gmail… You’re not worthy.

    1. LOL guess i’m not worthy

    2. Lol. I am also not a worthy one. :))

    3. Mine are gone. When I get more I will do this again in comments or on G+ ;)

  10. Google you’re so helpful

  11. Would love an invite if any kind person would like to share! [email protected]

      1. On it’s way!

        1. Thank you !

    1. Done!

      1. Thanks so much!

        1. Lucky you!

      2. Please invite me as well. thank you

        [email protected]

  12. nevermind..

  13. I’d like an invite please! :) [email protected]

    1. Last one, enjoy!!!

      1. Thanks man

  14. Someone send me one please.. [email protected]

    1. Done!

  15. Lol moochers xDD

  16. Can someone send a invite please. [email protected] :).

    1. done!

      1. Thank you..

  17. I have one more invite… first person to respond here…

      1. Done! That was my last one.

        1. Please give me one if you can. thank you!!!

          [email protected]

  18. One invite for a google-addict please :( [email protected]

  19. Wanted!!!! inbox invite
    ..1000 thanks….

    1. :-)..

      another reward. 1000 thanks and 10 kisses.

      [email protected]

  20. Please send me an invite [email protected]… Thanks

  21. Well once again I didn’t get an invite from Google. Anyone have one?

    1. Never got mine either

      1. I just got mine 5 minutes ago.

  22. someone please send me an invite I’d greatly appreciate it [email protected]

  23. [email protected] what the hell can’t hurt to try.

    1. Thanks I received my invite.

      1. If you have any invites left could you share? Certifiedbrotha

      2. Can I get an invite? Send to [email protected]

  24. I just got mine 10 ago.

    1. Can I get one please [email protected]

      1. I don’t see anywhere in the app that I have any invites to send out.

        1. It takes a few days to show up. You will see it under the + compose button.

          1. Please send me an invite. Thanks!! [email protected]

  25. Just got mine. Check your promo folder.

    1. Can I get an invite please? send to [email protected]

  26. Can someone give me one? Certifiedbrotha

  27. Could I get an invite please? Send to [email protected]

  28. Please send me an Invite…I have been waiting for it for a long time… :|
    Email: [email protected]

  29. I’d like to send out invites, but unlike what they said, I never got 3 invites to give away after I received my own invite. Anyone got an idea why?

    1. If you just got the App then it may take several days till you are able to send an invite.

      1. Thanks for replying. I had the app installed when it was released and was waiting for an invite. I received my invite on October 30th and have been using it all the time since. How long before I can send out invites you think?

  30. can someone please invite me. [email protected]. thanks!

  31. NO!

  32. I sent an email during the times and I did not receive an invite.. Damn

  33. If someone has an extra I would appreciate it. [email protected]… Thanks

  34. Yay Google sent me an invite, unfortunately, they didn’t give me any invites for other people.

    1. They said somewhere that it can take up to a week after you start using it before you get invites to give away.

  35. Can someone send a invite please [email protected] :D

  36. I sent my request in during the window. Never got any love back from Google. I’ve sent in 4 or 5 requests the last 2 weeks. No dice. Thanks Obama.

    Edit: Welp, on a whim I decided to install Inbox and just see what happens, and it let me sign in and now I’m all setup. I never received an invite from Google, and the app never asked me for an invite code. Thanks Obama!!

  37. I have one invite left. First to respond here gets it.

  38. Responding. [email protected]

  39. I’m lost because I magically have working “INBOX”, but no invites to give. The method to invite had NO hold gifts waiting to give out. Is it no longer INVITE ONLY?

  40. I sent my email to google and never received my invite… Smh

  41. I have one invite. First one gets it.

    1. If still available…

      Thanks, Got it!!

    2. If you still have it certifiedbrotha@gmail

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