google maps material design update

Download: Google Maps 9.0 with Material Design APK

Google has another new app being blessed with Material Design this morning. Google Maps version 9.0 is out and waiting for you to drool over. Like many of Google’s apps being dressed up for the arrival of Android 5.0 Lollipop, the latest version of Google Maps emphasizes lush animations, clean lines and makes effective use of white space to make the app as enjoyable to look at as it is to use.

Alongside the big user interface changes, Google has implemented OpenTable and Uber. The former will allow you to make a reservation at a restaurant right within Google Maps if the restaurant supports OpenTable, while those with the Uber app installed can get fare and travel time estimates on travel from one place to the next when looking at individual destinations. This, of course, only applies to areas where Uber is currently available.

You’re probably chomping at the bit for the upgrade. Many of you have already received it via Google Play, but fret not if it has yet to reach your device — this handy APK download should get you going in the right direction (pun totally, but not really intended).

[via Google]

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