
Blizzard commits to bringing Hearthstone to Android tablets by year’s end

Fans of Hearthstone, one of the fastest growing new collectible card games to launch within the past year, will be excited to hear this news: Hearthstone is headed to Android tablets by the end of this year! While Blizzard already stated they wanted to get the game up on Android before year’s end, that was very early on and if you know Blizzard then you know they love taking their sweet time on things. Today’s affirmation so late in the year is a good sign that things are still on track and that Android folks will be able to enjoy their card-dueling goodness on the go before too long.

Hearthstone is a card game that draws its inspiration from the vast World of Warcraft universe. Players build decks using 1 of 9 hero classes (Druid, Mage, Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Warlock and Priest) to go head-to-head with other players not willing to let you slide by easily.

Its simple mechanics allow for new players to pick it up easily, while its free-form deck building lets advanced players get even deeper. Hearthstone is a free-to-play title supported by in-app purchases of card packs and arena tickets. Be sure to check it out on your PC (or iPad) right now if you’re wondering what all the hubbub is about.

Blizzard also touched on forthcoming support for Android phones (and iPhones). The company said while they have an internal build humming along, they feel it won’t be ready for launch by the end of the year. They state the smaller screen real estate of a phone as the challenge keeping them from rushing the game out. Better for them to take more time and make sure the user experience is top-notch than to rush out a shoddy port that will annoy users to no end. Let us know if you’ll be looking forward to its arrival.

[via Blizzard]

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