nexus 6 portrait lollipop

Motorola states Nexus 6’s off-contract price as $650 [OUCH]

Well, guys, the Nexus 6 is here. It looks great. And it’s even coming to all United States carriers. So how much will it cost? Well, if Motorola’s blog post is any indication then off-contract folks won’t be too happy — they’re slapping on a minimum suggested retail price of $650.

[Update]: And yes, that is the base Google Play price, so don’t expect to be able to find it cheaper anywhere else.

That price tag is typical of any high-end flagship phablet in this day and age, but the Nexus line was always the exception to the rule. Nexus phones have traditionally been offered for much cheaper than the specs would have you think, and it made off-contract life much easier for those who preferred going the Nexus route.

Of course, this paves the way to more contract-based or finance-based purchases for folks who can’t buy a Nexus full price and we’re sure carriers will certainly be offering reasonable, affordable paths to getting the phone for anyone who can’t spare more than $600 on a whim. For the rest of you? Well, you have a good couple of weeks to make your mind up (and to fill your wallet up) as the Nexus 6 won’t be dropping until early November at the earliest.

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