It didn’t take long for you to get your hands on one of the most powerful affordable phones to drop this year. Best Buy is now selling the Moto G 2014 for $180 unlocked, meaning you won’t have to sign a contract or jump through hoops to get it.
The device was reviewed favorably by Kevin Krause, though its lack of 4G may be off-putting for many. We’re sure Motorola has plans to launch an LTE-equipped model like they did for last year’s variant, but it may be some time before we see that (and we expect it to cost a bit more, as well). But if HSPA+ 3G is fine for you and you need a new inexpensive smartphone to have a go with, the Moto G can’t be a bad choice. It’s available in either black or white using the links straight ahead.
Lack of 3g?
Who needs 3G when 4G is available… wait a sec…
I believe he meant to say Lack of lte
Typo. They meant lack of 4g, I believe.
It doesn’t have 3G, but it does….make up your mind.
This is probably perfect for my mom
I have a GS3 HSPA+ with T-Mobile… I get 1mbps-2mbps upload and 6mbps-14mbps download…I’m happy with it…although I wouldn’t mind some LTE love!!!!
Is this available in Canada as well?
Phandroid really needs to start proof reading their articles.
Just wait for the LTE version. I have the 2013 LTE version as a back up phone and it’s really good.
They should have at least put in a 4g radio and charged $199. Then they would really sell like hot cakes.
You ask and you shall receive.
That’s last years Moto G with LTE added. I would suspect JonnyPo was asking for this years Moto G with LTE.
is that the US version or the international one?