Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 leaks with 6-inch display

Samsung’s understandably uncomfortable with pushing the “phablet” limit on their Samsung Galaxy Note line, but they aren’t afraid to do so with the Mega. While the original large phones weren’t widely available or positioned for the high-end market, they still provided moderately priced options for those who prefer gigantic displays.

New rumors say a follow-up device is in order. The device has leaked in full glory, with new photos giving us a clear look at its back, front and side. The device is typical Samsung and there aren’t really any surprises on the outside for you to get riled up over. As for the hard specs, here’s what we’re expecting the device to sport:

As we expected, it won’t make the cows come home but it certainly should help get you through a long day if you’re in need of a smartphone. Unfortunately there aren’t any hard details on things like a release date or where we expect to see it launched, but we’re sure that sort of info will be provided by Samsung whenever they get around to it. In the meantime, they have bigger (figuratively, not literally) fish to free.

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