
The all new, completely redesigned Foursquare is now available on Google Play



If you haven’t heard, Foursquare’s all new, super fantastic, completely redesigned Android app has officially hit the Google Play Store. We gave you guys the low down a few weeks ago after Foursquare gave us a sneak peek at what they had in store for their users. Today, the update has arrived but it’s not just a new can of paint — Foursquare has completely changed they way the app works with a new focus on localized search, custom tailored to your personal interests or tastes.

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When you open the app, you’ll be presented with a barrage of tags or tastes, rather. Everything from specific dishes like breakfast burritos, to categories like “quick meals” or “happy hour.” Once Foursquare has an idea of what you’re into, they’ll begin bringing you eateries or other businesses they think you’ll like. Similar to Google Now, the general idea is you shouldn’t have to search for what you’re looking for, Foursquare will already know.

All new Foursquare 4.0

Gone is any kind of checking in from the app, replaced now with a shortcut to download Foursquare’s social checkin app, Swarm. Even though Foursquare wants to distance itself from boring old Yellow Pages, there is still the ability to share businesses on social media and/or leave reviews/tips. Of course, with such a big change veterans are likely to find something they previously liked about the app is now missing, in which case let us know in the comments below. For everyone, get to downloading.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I’d already started using Foursquare less lately, but today just decided to uninstall it. Splitting up the app reminds me of when Netflix tried to do a similar thing with physical discs and streaming. I think it might be too late for Foursquare to go back, though.

    1. same here, uninstalled

  2. I keep getting invites to use it, but it usually just sat there never being used, and now that it automatically tracks you all the time, there’s no reason to have it on your phone.

  3. Nope not going to be upgrading to this. As it is I had to revert back 2 versions of the app to regain the ability to Check-In.

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