
SwiftKey update fixes bugs, introduces new themes, discount on theme packs, and more


SwiftKey update new themes banner

SwiftKey has long been our go-to keyboard for Android and ever since going free a few weeks back, it’s probably now yours too. Unfortunately, it seems something in the coding was causing SwiftKey to misbehave recently, with the app taking unusually long to load, occasional lag when typing, and/or causing excessive battery drain on some of our devices. Thankfully, the folks at SwiftKey are back today with an update that looks to address many of these issues, while bringing a few extra goodies along for the ride.

SwiftKey Keyboard update:

  • Improved typing performance
  • Improved some translations
  • Improved keyboard loading time
  • Improved Flow performance
  • Fix for the bottom row being hidden in some devices
  • Fixed Yahoo! personalization
  • Fixed background disappearing issue in some themes
  • Fixed some other force closes and crashes
  • New languages: Kyrgyz, Tajik and Turkmen
  • New languages for emoji prediction: Arabic, Czech, Greek, Hebrew, Polish and Russian

SwiftKey update new themes

Users will find 5 new themes available in the SwiftKey theme store: Spotlight Purple, Edge Green, Pulse Yellow, Pulse Pink and Hazy Pink. Each are 99 cents each, but are included in various themes packs — all of which have been discounted to only $2 for a limited time (normally $3). Anyone looking to visit the Theme Store only need to long press the “123” key on the keyboard and select “Themes.”

SwiftKey promises that moving forward, performance will be their core focus and will continue improving speed and reliability for other devices in the future. If you recently stopped using the app because it wasn’t acting up on you, now would be a good time to revisit and take SwiftKey for another test run. It’s not like it’ll cost you anything. You can get SwiftKey by visiting the link below to the Google Play Store.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Until I can turn off the automatic insertion of spaces, no thank you.

    1. Is that a thing on other keyboards? What are you using now?

      1. I think AnySoftKeyboard has it.
        I’m using SwiftKey because of it’s awesome text prediction. But I’m still missing the features from ASK :(

        1. Send a feature request to the guys at SwiftKey. They’re always really good about user feedback.

          1. I would say when you have 10,000+ requests to allow users to disable a feature and you have not yet done it, there is a problem.


  2. so now we’ve reached the freemium keyboard. what next?
    :rolls eyes scarcastically:

  3. I actually like that pink theme…

  4. I gave up on this lagfest of a keyboard over a year ago. Google keyboard ftw!

    1. Duffman says a lot of things (most of which make little sense).

  5. No space after period. Period. Until then, I’ll use _anything_ else.

  6. I really hope the lag is truly fixed.

  7. I tend to only use it for typing Croatian as it’s far too slow to open and laggy for full time use, so hopefully this is the start of something good.

  8. I am actually enjoying the G3 Stock keyboard. definitely missing the prediction on swiftkey, but the G3 keyboard has one feature that I switched to swiftkey for, underscore as an symbol on main keyboard. Curse you, my older email address with underscore.

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