Google GLASS RPatterson LR229

Google Glass has been explicitly banned from Comic-Con 2014 panels

Google Glass hasn’t even hit an official consumer release (although bleeding edge tech enthusiasts can beta test it… for a price) and already the headset has hit another roadblock. Google’s smart eyewear seems to have found itself banned from one of the biggest events of the year: San Deigo Comic-Con.

Well, to be fair, the wearable has been authorized for use on the showroom floor, but in an email recently sent out to Comic-Con attendees, the Comic-Con International board is letting everyone know “Google Glasses” cannot be worn or used at any time during any of the show’s panels. This is typically where movie companies show off very confidential new trailers and it seems anywhere where camera recording is prohibited — the same goes for Google Glass whether powered on or off.

Google Glasses/Video Recorders/Camera Phones

Remember recording of footage on the screens during panels is prohibited. This includes Google Glasses. You cannot wear Google Glasses during footage viewing in any program room. If your Google Glasses are prescription, please bring a different pair to use during these times.”

It makes sense. Where, in most cases, it’s easy to spot someone recording video footage with their smartphone or camera, Google Glass is far more discrete with its always forward facing camera lens. Comic-Con recommends anyone who is planning on wearing prescription Google Glass bring an spare set of specs for the panels if they hope to see everything clearly.

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