Google Wallet giftcards

Google Wallet update lets you request money, send money for free, and manage giftcards [VIDEO]

While mobile payment services like Isis are busy rebranding their company, Google Wallet is focusing on adding even more value to their mobile payment app. The latest, detailed on the Google Commerce blog, introduce an even easier ways to manage, send, or receive money.

Giftcard management is once of the bigger features making its way into the latest version of the app (now available on Google Play and gives users the ability to add and redeem gift cards using nothing more than the Wallet app. The best part is for certain gift cards, you can even get reminders the next time you’re near an applicable store. And because less waste is always good, Google Wallet also supports “e-gifts” from a number of retailers, making physical gift cards a thing of the past.

When it comes to sending money, Google has eliminated the charges normally accrued when sending money with only a debit card on file, a new policy that should remove any hesitation about sending money through Wallet. For receiving, that’s made easier too by being able to request money from friends or family using the Wallet app or online via Gmail.

Oh, and there’s also Spanish support. As usual — this is US-only, folks.

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