
Samsung reveals four new affordable Android phones

Samsung’s looking to take care of those without a big budget. The company has announced four new smartphones that are designed to go easy on the wallet but still get you through a long day. Up on the stage are the Samsung Galaxy Core II, Samsung Galaxy Ace 4, Samsung Galaxy Young 2 and the Samsung Galaxy Star 2.

Let’s take a look at the pertinent specs for each of them, shall we?

Samsung Galaxy Core 2


Samsung Galaxy Ace 4


Samsung Galaxy Young 2

Samsung Galaxy Star 2

It’s nothing that’s going to make the cows come home, but we imagine that’s not what you’re looking for when you aim for these phones. We’re still tracking down availability information and we’ll update this post as soon as we have that for you. In the meantime be sure to ponder a possible future with these devices if you don’t fancy spending hundreds on something more powerful.

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