
Reply to SMS from your desktop with Pushbullet and EvolveSMS

The folks at Pushbullet are doing some of the coolest things on Android right now. If you’re unfamiliar with the app check out “5 cool things you should be doing with Pushbullet.” The basic function of Pushbullet is allow you to “push” things to any connected device, but it can also do something called “Notification Mirroring.” This allows you to see Android notifications across devices, including your desktop computer. Today they are making that feature even more handy.

The developer behind EvolveSMS, a popular SMS replacement, has announced a partnership with Pushbullet. This partnership will allow EvolveSMS users to receive, view, and now reply to SMS messages from their desktop PC. Before it was only possible to see that you received a SMS, but you had to grab your phone to take action on it. Check out the video below to see it in action.

In order to use this feature you need to be a member of the EvolveSMS and Pushbullet beta communities, and have the Pushbullet Chrome extension. You can find links to all of those below. Hopefully we see more partnerships with Pushbullet like this. Imagine being able to take action on more notifications right from your desktop. Are you using Pushbullet or EvolveSMS?

EvolveSMS beta community

Pushbullet community

Pushbullet for Chrome

[via Google+]

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