
Sprint, Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile confirm plans to offer the LG G3 [Update]


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The first couple of carriers getting their paws on the LG G3 have come forth and revealed plans. Both AT&T and T-Mobile have announced that the device will be coming later this year. No further details could be had unfortunately, though T-Mobile did want folks to know that their carrier would be the only place to get a G3 before it launches, as they’ll be giving one away every day through June 29th (which we hope is the day it’ll launch to the public).

AT&T’s launch window is simply “later this year,” while T-Mobile’s is “this summer.” It’s safe to say we should be seeing these at some point starting next month, though it’s never wise to count on anything other than hard confirmation.

We’re expecting Verizon and Sprint to make their respective announcements shortly, so don’t feel too peeved that they haven’t chimed in just yet. Find everything you need to know about the LG G3 right here.

[Update]: And you can add Sprint and Verizon into the mix. The former says they will exclusively offer the golden option (something Sprint has been quite find of as of late). Now we’re just waiting on pricing details.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

LG officially reveals the LG G3

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  1. Now the question is, which storage version will they be offering? Will it include 2GBs or 3GBs of RAM?

    1. As far as i know the G3 comes with 3GB of ram.

      1. the 16gb is 2gb ram and the 32gb is 3gb ram

    2. 16gb for the 2 ram version and 32gb for the 3 ram version.

      1. Oh, I was talking about what will the carriers offer.

    3. imo they NEED the 3gb of RAM version to help people cope with the lack of a 805 processor.

      1. Snapdragon 805? The 810 has already been announced for next year. You’re so behind times. I already have a vision of what phone I’ll be having. You need to catch up.

  2. US Cellular?

  3. June 29th is a long long wait…. AT&T says later of this year.. That better not be true.

    1. An ATT rep said some time in June and not much later. Hopefully he wasn’t just talking out of his ass.

      1. he was.

        1. Must you burst my bubble?

          Seriously though, with the T-Mobile give-away thing ending on June 29th, I see a June release very probable. I also don’t see T-mobile getting this way before ATT.

          1. my bad…lol don’t mean to be a buzz kill..,

    2. It’s just one month away…

  4. Hmm, T-Mobile that sounds a lot like invites.

  5. So glad I’m not on Sprint, crāp network and the “exclusive” is a gold phone? How dumb is that? These gold phone’s got to go, homeboy

    1. I actually like the Sprint network … Been with them for 12 years now !!! All depends on were you live

  6. I’ve been quite FIND of the G3 myself…

  7. I really like what htc did, make an official announcement then say you can go get it right now. Come on lg, you could have done the same thing.

  8. uh huh..

    looks like the 1+1 will be my only option for a new phone in june.

    i’ll take it.

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