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Phan Favs: What is the best Messaging app? [VOTE]

Phan Favs is a recurring feature that turns the tables and asks you, the readers, about the best apps and games. It’s your turn to drop some knowledge on us! Read more.

A couple of weeks ago in our inaugural Phan Favs poll we asked about the best weather apps for Android. After an impressive turnout the app that you picked as the best was 1Weather by OneLouder. This week we have another question for you, our insightful readers: what is the best messaging app for Android?

A messaging app can be anything you use to communicate with people. It could be a 3rd-party SMS app, a proprietary messaging service, or even a voice calling app. Android has tons of great messaging apps available. However, the best messaging app is not always the favorite. We want to know which ones you think are the best.

How to vote

  1. Upvote the comment that mentions your pick.
  2. If no one has mentioned your pick write your own comment.

It’s as simple as that. Next Thursday (May 1st) we will compile the results and release the top five apps according to your votes. In order to get a good sample size we need your help in sharing this poll. Click right here to tell your tweet about it, and also alert your favorite developers so they can vote!


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