
Oops: YouTube updated on Google Play, contains Dogfood settings meant for internal testing


YouTube 5.5.26 DOGFOOD

The YouTube app was just updated in the PlayStore to version 5.5.26-DOGFOOD. While we’re sniffing around for changes, it appears that Google may have unintentionally published a Dogfood version of their app — a term used to describe apps still being internally tested by Google devs.

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YouTube dogfood update 5.5.26 options

Aside from the cute little bone icon in the upper left corner (instead of YouTube’s trademark play icon), there’s now a strange new Dogfood setting with ExoPlayer options inside. Not sure what it all means, but it’s kinda cool. We’d say watch out for the update, but we imagine it wont be long before the update is pulled from Google Play and replaced with the normal version. Anyone else get it?

UPDATE: Looks like there are some small UI changes throughout the app, pretty minor. Large cards have been replaced by smaller ones in the videos and playlists tabs in user channels. This makes it much easier to see more info on a single page, without scrolling needlessly through hundreds of cards (wish they had an option to condense these cards throughout the entire app). Playlists are also displayed in the sidebar menu, without needing to first click the old “Playlists” button.

Download/update on Google Play: YouTube

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Got it.

  2. Just downloaded it!

  3. Yup. Got it

  4. Woof Woof!!!

  5. got it….

  6. Got it, thanks!
    So now let the games begin…
    Who let the dogs out?!?!? Woof, woof!!!

  7. Got it but it just force closes with the “Unfortunately, YouTube has stopped” message when I try to open it.

    1. You need to turn off Youtube Adblock in Xposed.

  8. Got it. What the dog? :P

  9. Got it.

  10. I’m assuming Exo Player may be a multiwindow/pop-out player style thing?

  11. ADAPTIVE Setting changes the quality of the video automatically depending on your connection.

  12. With these Google updates happening, it makes me think a new N10 is coming out… /wishful thinking

  13. Apparently it didn’t take long for them to push out 5.5.27 as I just updated and got that version instead of the 26 dogfood version

    1. Yup, just noticed .27 as well.

  14. Well, looks like im never updating youtube again

  15. Updated, but didn’t get the “Dogfood” setting option

    1. It was just replaced a few minutes ago by 5.5.27, now with 100% less dogfood. :P

      1. I don’t know what the dogfood settings does, but I want it.

      2. Still have the .26 version (DOGFOOD) & it works. I do get a “Using Fallback Player” pop-up when 1st playing a video. Guess it has something to do w/the .27 version being pushed out……

  16. Anyone wanting to “downgrade” to DOGFOOD will need to uninstall updates to YOU TUBE (if you’ve already updated to .27) & then side-load the .26 apk.

  17. Had seen the dog bone icon earlier and was like “what the heck?”. Didn’t play with YouTube though since I had guests. Now I missed it: (

  18. forget about dogfood, when are they gonna make it possible to play videos in the background?

    1. There is an app called Viral, which is basically like Youtube but allows you to play in videos in background. Cheers..

      1. Basically is not close enough. I don’t want other people to make stuff that Google can do themselves.

        1. Why are you using this forum? Use Google forum then.
          If Google doesn’t have that option in their YouTube app, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the similar feature in any other app.

          Here you are more concerned about Brand, not the features…

          1. No, the Viral app looks horrible compared to the Youtube app.

        2. Wow. You should definitely head right over, no, Run, don’t walk, right over to the Apple iPhone ecosystem.

          You’ll love it!

          Apple doesn’t let third party developers do anything that Apple can do for themselves. But it is even better! If Apple decides to do something that a third party developer has been doing, that Apple decides to do, then Apple can unceremoniously just kick the developer’s app, and possibly the developer right out of the iTunes store!

          It’s a great approach. Let third parties prove that there is a market for something — then come and take it away from them.

  19. i didn’t realize it now i go to my phone to play with it and in my notification bar youtube has been updated.

  20. I’m surprised with all the Googlers that love cats, the testing menu is Dogfood.

    1. I’m thinking it’s a play on “eat your own dogfood”, as in using your own products.

      EDIT: Actually, that’s definitely the case.

    2. I hate cats

  21. Yay! Finally more info per page is better.

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