
Samsung Galaxy Core LTE clamps down with 4G offering for Europe, Russia, and Asia

We suspected this would happen: Samsung has just announced the latest device in their Samsung Galaxy Core lineup- the Samsung Galaxy Core LTE.

Coming to Europe, Russia, and Asia, the device will be called the “Samsung Galaxy Core 4G” in some markets. Considering the boasting of 4G speeds  is somewhat of focal point of the Galaxy Core, if you guessed it’s mid-range device, you guessed right. That’s why the name makes sense: it’s a solid device that will get all the basic things done without all the fluff. If you don’t want or need all the bells, whistles, specs, and features, you might want the core.

Some key specs:

As fate would have it, you only have to buy 1 core to get 2 of them.

This is definitely not the type of phone that tech geeks drool over, but it serves an important group of price sensitive folks who just want something that works. For them, it would seem the stripped down Galaxy Core should do just fine, and we’re guessing it would come at a bargain.

One reason I love Android: even though this device is “mid-range”, it’s 4.5-inch screen size is HD, which many people may prefer to smaller devices like the iPhone 5S which only has 4-inch screen and is pricey, pricey, pricey. Android is all about options, options, options. We’ll be there to check out this and the rest of the new mobile announcements at Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona, only 1 week away.

Now that this core is out of the bag… where are the Galaxy Core Prima, Galaxy Core Ultra, and Galaxy Core Max?

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