Butterphone Girl

Question of the night: would you be turned off by a “butterphone” girl? [VIDEO]

Android fans are a passionate bunch. If you’re anything like me, it pains you to watch someone suffering with old Android hardware, especially when you know there’s so much better out there. But it’s one thing to watch a stranger fiddling around with their HTC EVO 4G on the subway, and another to be romantically involved with someone who just doesn’t share your passion for mobile technology.

College Humor lightly touches on this subject in their “She’s such a Butterphone” skit. We’re sure you’ve all heard the term “butterface” (a girl who’s perfect in all areas “but-her-face”). Butterphone is similar to that. A smoking hot girl — smart and sweet — just about everything you could ask for in a woman. The problem? She’s using a crappy old phone and is seemingly happy with it.

Video NSFW (language)

Okay, we know College Humor’s take is a little extreme, but we’ve already seen what happens when a cute girl with an iPhone tries to pick up on an Android fanboy. Is this video really that off base? Would any of you be turned off if the girl you were hitting it up with in a bar pulls out her MyTouch 3G? Or worse… an iPhone 3G?

[College Humor]

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