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T-Mobile’s off-the-wall press release likens AT&T CEO to Darth Vader

When it comes to T-Mobile CEO John Legere, you gotta admit… the guy keeps it interesting. In the carrier’s latest bout against AT&T, T-Mobile issues a satirical press release written with “tongue firmly planted in the cheek.” The completely off the wall press release features fictional quotes by AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega — as played out in the head of John Legere, no doubt — where Mr. Vega applauds T-Mobile’s Uncarrier methods, calling T-Mobile’s network faster than their own, even offering their customers $450 to try T-Mobile risk free.

It’s AT&T’s latest move that Legere attempts to flip it on them, calling AT&T their latest partner in the “Uncarrier consumer revolution.” A bit over the top, and not something we’re used to seeing from multi-billion dollar telcos, but apparently it’s working to some degree.

T-Mobile’s strange press release comes after AT&T reported their Q4 financials in which they saw 566,000 new customers. T-Mobile? 869,000. Has John Legere finally gone crazy? Crazy like a fox.


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