
Winkfeed is an RSS reader for Google Glass

If you can’t stand to be away from your news feed for any amount of time throughout any given day — and you just happen to own a ridiculously expensive pair of Google Glass — we’ve got the perfect app to show you. It’s Winkfeed, the latest app by Winklogic that will serve up all the latest news from the sites you love to follow (such as Phandroid).

So just how comprehensive of an experience can a Google Glass RSS reader provide? A pretty darn good one, according to the following list of features:

It’d be a whole lot better if we could add our own sources or hook up to a service like Feedly. We’ll be pinging Winklogic to see if something like that is in the cards, but for now? What you see is what you get (and what you see is a pretty useful app for the face-dwelling gadget). [Update]: Winklogic says they definitely are working on their own backend service that will allow you to manage your own personal list of RSS feeds.

Winkfeed can be activated using the MyGlass app on your Android device or the website, so be sure to head in there and give it a whirl if you’ve been waiting on something like this. Let’s hope this is just an early beginning to truly great things. PS: don’t forget to subscribe to Phandroid once you’re locked and loaded! You’ll find us under the Technology category. ;)

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