any-do cal

Any.DO brings Cal, a beautiful calendar app for Android, to Google Play

Anyone who’s used an Android device knows the calendar experience isn’t always the most pleasant thing to write home about, but one company is looking to change that with a comprehensive app that will make you enjoy keeping up with your day-to-day tasks. It’s Any.DO’s Cal (already available for iOS), and they’re promising big things with the launch of their second app for Android.

The app features beautiful design that follows Android’s card-based UI guidelines quite nicely, but it’s the functionality that Any.DO is hoping will keep your attention. Here’s what they’re setting out to do with Cal:

It’s not just a meaningless subset of features that adds empty social features. Cal embraces the third-party services and apps already available to make your calendar experience more useful to you in ways that matter to you.

The Android app isn’t some carbon copy port from iOS, either — Any.DO actually took care to add some features that Android users will no doubt appreciate. A fully-featured widget, landscape mode, Google Calendar and Exchange sync, even tighter Any.DO integration and more are all coming together to make this experience even more tasty than what our iOS-using friends have been treated to all this time.

The best part of all this? It’s free, and it’s sitting in the Google Play Store right now. Go ahead and download it and see if you can’t discover a better way to keep track of everything that’s going on in your life. Watch the video above if you want the visual rundown.

[via Any.DO]

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