
CyanogenMod Installer gets pulled from the Play Store at Google’s request


CyanogenMod Installer Android

Well, it lasted longer than we thought. It’s been a little over 2 weeks since the CyanogenMod Installer officially landed on Google Play and today, Google has formally requested the Cyanogen Inc. remove the app from the Play Store. Why? According to the Google Play Support team, the application was in violation of their terms of service.

Before you freak out, Google admits that while the app is harmless (it only enables ADB and directs users to the desktop installer to complete the installation of the CyanogenMod ROM), they simply can’t list an app that encourages Android users to void their handset’s warranties by rooting and ROMing. Google does have hardware partners after all.

Although Google didn’t technically pull the app themselves (you’ll still find it in the Play Store at the time of writing), they asked Cyanogen Inc. do the honors lest they be forced to take “administrative action.”

Cyanogen Inc. is already in talks with Google to see if there’s anything that can be done and already submitting the app to rival app stores from both Amazon and Samsung. In the meantime, CM Installer is still readily available from the official CyanogenMod website where it can be sideloaded like any other app. Instructions and download link provided below.

Instructions on how to install: CyanogenMod | Direct download: CyanogenMod Installer

via CyanogenMod

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I just searched for it: “item not found”

  2. Oh well. But it funny because there are quite a few root only apps in the market. Do those not encourage one to root in order to benefit from the bells and whistles that, that root-only app brings?

    1. I guess its the act of rooting vs already being rooted

      1. bingo!

        1. Where’s my cookie?

    2. I think it’s the fact that this actually requires you to void your warranty by installing a custom recovery. Other apps are available for rooted users on stock recovery which technically, is tolerated by OEMs.

  3. OK Google. Now go after all the real crap in the Play Store.

    1. You can’t blame Google for going after them. Cyanogen is a high profile product that technically doesn’t qualify to be listed on the playstore. The issue is if Google starts making exceptions for anyone, they open a case of other developers complaining about their apps being denied and could even turn developers against Google. This was a good move. Granted it will severely limit the number of users Cyanogen will get, but those willing to change something as fundamental as their operating system won’t have an issue getting the installer somewhere else.

  4. Couldn’t they just put a notification like app permissions and say what this may do to your device and if they accept then there you go!

  5. so much for going “mainstream”

  6. I really hope that Cyanogenmod can make a few tweaks to the app, maybe add a few warning about how you’ll be voiding your warranty etc and get that app back on there.

    I was really stoked about the installer making life easier for would-be Cyanogenmod installers and it also makes me happy for Cyanogenmod to get a little bigger install base out of the deal. Those guys deserve it, they’re dang rock-stars when it comes to Android ROM’s, they’re awesome!!!

  7. So much for the openness of the OS…

    1. You didn’t read the article, did you?

      “they simply can’t list an app that encourages Android users to void their handset’s warranties by rooting and ROMing.”

      Nothing to do with ‘openness’ of Android.

  8. As a root/ROM type myself, I’m actually quite okay with this. The forums keep getting clogged up with people who decided to take the “easy way” to modding their phone and borked it completely. I think the level of difficulty should match at least some minimum amount of tech knowledge.

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