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Android 4.4 KITKAT official details posted — here’s what’s new

While the Nexus 5 announcement may have many of you scrambling for your piggy banks to order one, there’s still one big piece of info we need to cover — Android 4.4 KitKat, and everything that it’s supposed to bring to the table. We’ve got all the details right here.

Everything users need to know

So what’s new? Here’s a quick list of everything KitKat is bringing us:

Everything Else

What are you most excited for?

Whew, that was a ton. All these features are great, and it’s the big jump we’ve been waiting for (compared to the small leap made form Android 4.2 to Android 4.3). Most folks won’t be able to play with it on their own devices for a while, with Google yet to announce any details about KitKat rollouts for other existing Nexus devices.

We’ll have to wait until the Nexus 5 starts trickling out to users early next week, though we’re going to hit Google up to see if we can’t get any more details about the rest of you. In the meantime, why not let us know which features you’re most excited for in the comments section below?

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