Google donates 17,000 Nexus 7 tablets to Hurricane Sandy victims

Hurricane Sandy ravaged the streets and neighborhoods of the east coast a year ago, but as with any natural disaster you don’t exactly overcome the effects overnight. That’s why Google wants to help make life just a little bit easier. The Mountain View company has decided to donate 17,000 Nexus 7 tablets to New York folks (with various libraries, schools, and other institutions getting a majority of them).

The primary use will likely be communication with concerned family and friends, and information access for those who need to look up various bits of info for stuff like insurance claims and aide requests. It’ll also be a life saver for entertainment for those who just need to take a break from the pressures of getting back up on their feet.

The donation is worth about $2.7 million, which is no small penny (though we imagine it’s easier to let go of unused stock than actual cash). We’re not sure which version of the Nexus 7 is being sent out for donation, but for now folks are assuming Google decided to offload stock of the 2012 version.We’ll be reaching out to clarify, though it probably doesn’t matter to the recipients — a free tablet is a free tablet.

[via CNET]

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