
Falcon Pro creator launches “Flyne,” a news-reading app that curates stories from Feedly and Twitter

As if we didn’t already have enough news-reading apps. The latest interesting one comes from the man who created one of the best Twitter apps we’ve ever seen for Android (Falcon Pro, if you haven’t already guessed). It’s called Flyne, a news-reading app that will gather stories based on your favorite topics and the Tweets your friends are sharing on Twitter.

Flyne presents your news in an easy-to-view magazine style, giving you a constant flow of beautiful images and text that will keep you up-to-date on all the news that matters to you. Not only can you select from a list of preset topics through Feedly, but you can also sign in with your own Feedly account and get stories from the sources you only care about.

Flyne’s prime angle is offline reading — that’s where its name comes from, actually (think “offline,” except without the first two letters). You’ll be able to cache many of your articles, so you won’t need a constant connection throughout the day to make sure you’re in the know on everything that matters to you. More of these features are available to you as a low-cost in-app purchase of just $.99.

Offline reading is nothing new, but as a major element and focus it could become one of the most pain-free offline reading experiences out there. With the backing of Joaquim Verges, we don’t expect anything less than excellence. Be sure to give Flyne a go in the Google Play Store.

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